Order Of Valor (Guild)

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Revision as of 17:10, 10 April 2012 by Arknigtdelta (Talk | contribs)

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Order of Valor
GuildLogo-Order of Valor.png

We are made strong by the difficulties we face not by those we evade

Guild Founder: Arcknightdelta


Approx. Population: 26
Guild Master(s):
  • Viperer
Guild Officer(s):
  • Draugas
  • Lukervol

Logo1.png Welcome to Order of Valor

You are now amongst some of the greatest players this game has to offer. Welcome to Order of Valor, a guild that recognises the most exceptional players, where your skills are tested and the brave are rewarded. We have many rules, some of which we agree on and some that are shunned apon, but there is one rule in particular that we all stand by, not only in game but in real life to...to Respect all. All members in the Order regard one another as equals. This is also true to those outside the Order, it is a standard we pride and one that has given each and every member a good name in the spiral knights community.

So what kind of things does the Order get up to? Well we do alot of tier 3, especially FSC. Being a relatively new guild, created during the event of the 1st anniversary of SpiralKnights, we have a small yet very able group of players. We are always active and guild FSC runs are never limited. It is this reason that we prefer to take on players who are regulars of FSC and understand what to do within each floor, to successfully complete them quickly and without too many problems.

Our main aim is to have fun. Something we beleive has been lost in most of the older guilds. We understand that being the best is "very" important to some, but remember this is just a game, so ofcourse by all means try to become the best, but in doing so chill out and play the game, this way you will enjoy what it has to offer. Work on things you need imporoving on and maybe get an invite from Order of Valor.

You probably wont see us around Haven very much. Dont let this hinder your desicion to join the Order, we are all either running the clockworks or facing what the Shadow Lairs have to offer. The guild also participates in both Guild and random team Lockdown. Lukervol and Kingrumz being the two main members represting our guild every day all day.

As mentioned above we are a small community that isnt really looking to expand greatly. We only select the few that show qualities that out shine others in personality, character and also skill and gaming. If these are things you to admire, Order of Valor is the place for you.

Logo1.png Rules of Valor

1. Show respect to all players.

2. Dont be rude, insulting, or inconsiderate to anyone.

3. Be active.

4. If you are unable to play let a GM know by mail, stating how long you will be away approximately.

5. If you are inactive and have not made a GM aware of this, for every week of inactivity you will be demoted until removed from guild.

6. Do not remove guild members from parties (this does happen in some guilds) unless they have been disconnected for more than 5mins and you are in a hurry

7. Do not ask for crowns or crytal energy. There are players who have spent alot of time in game to collect the things they have. There is nothing you cannot get if you have patience. Sell mats in Haven or the Auction House. Use mist energy to do profitable levels etc...

8. Resolve issues that you may have with someone straight away. If you cant dont spam the guild chat with hate and slanter. Use the ignore option. It is there for a reason.

9. Always help each other. However dont send game invites without telling what the problem is and the kind of level you are in: beast, fiend, undead etc...

10. This page is a "guild" wiki page i have let some members in guild who know how to use the wiki to edit the page. I have allocated some sections of this wiki to them. Please edit those parts allocated to you. Any changes made to other parts of the guild wiki page will result in removal from guild. Please cooperate not many guilds allow this. Thankyou

11. Being a member of Order of Valor, I want all members to make a User Wiki profile of themselves. If you are unsure or in doubt on how to process on this please click here and go to the helpful hints and tips section of my User wiki.

12. Never edit someone elses wiki page. If you want to see the codes they have used click on edit then at the bottom of the page click on cancel when you are done. DO NOT click on save page.

13. Always have fun!

Logo1.png Guild Ranks

You will be promoted based on your performance, activity and loyalty. We also base this on personality and character, and the natural ability to be a leader.

Recruits: When you first join your rank will be as recruit. This is the starting point for all new comers.

Member: After proving yourself, by doing regular runs with officers or veterans, being active as possible, you will be promoted to the "Member" rank. To reach this stage you must now undergo a test within the guild. The "test" will involve participating in a FSC run with Arcknightdelta and Viperer. You have 3 lives only. deaths at the boss does not count as one of your 3 lives. If u pass the test you are promoted to Member rank. If you fail the test you will have to wait one week to redo the the "test"

Veteran: The seniors of the guild who have proven themselves to be both skilled and loyal. This role is given to those who have shown to be active and have the potential to be leaders.

Officers: Long time loyal members of the guild who have been trusted to be in charge. This position is only given to those who the guild masters have seen to be most respected individuals in guild. Its is a great honour and one which carries alot of trust, as you will be the ones to keep this guild alive, by scouting and recruiting members.

Guild Master: Chosen from the top officers. There will be a few Guild masters the max number is not yet decided. This is the most honoured position in guild. People will look to you for advice and help. You will take on a role of maitaing the day to day operations of the guild. One thing to note. Asking to be made GM consitently will hinder your chances of becoming one. This position is very important and must only be give to those that are able to fufill these needs.

Founder: Those who have creared the guild. The most elite of all guild members. Able to do things mere mortals can only dream of doing....LOL! We made the guild basically, Our roles are similar to that of guild master.

Logo1.png Guild Events

Logo1.png Recruitment

Open for recruitment (please copy and paste the list of questions below and mail to Arcknightdelta)

Five star geared players only.

Once we have a stable number of players we may look to take on Four stared geared players but this is yet to be decided.

Application form (to be sent to Arcknightdelta)

1-How often are you on?

2-What tier are you?

3-What are your equips?

4-How often do you craft new things?

5-How often do you do boss runs and which do you do?

6-Why do YOU want to join Order Of Valor?

Logo1.png The Order

Logo1.png Skenderbeus shop


If you want me to advertise you're stuff on forums just ask.

I charge a mere 10% for every sale made on the forums.

WTS : Wolver Cap with UV High Shadow Defense Increased.

B/O 3K CE or 200K CR


Arcknightdelta's Stuff For Sale

Final Flourish with Medium Charge Time Reduction.


S/O 4.5K CE

Perfect Mask of Seerus

B/O 5.5K CE

C/O 4.2K CE

Logo1.png Thunder Newz

Logo1.png Jets Photoshop

Logo1.png Paclairz

Ola!!! I'm here, Pacotris, they are your wizard when you have need. so,... see you soon, when you are in the shadow, you will see a light in distance...

Logo1.png References

Image of eagle (in guild logo) taken from google images from http://bestgamewallpapers.com/gi-joe/eagle-logo

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