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About me

Hello Spiral Knights,

My name is Esmeralde, but for those of you who think I'm a girl have got it all wrong. Around November 2011 I started playing SK with Esmeralde, which is my first and only character. At first I tried out different ways of battling, mostly I used bombs and swords, but I didn't had a good strategy. Just like any noob doesn't. After a while I started using guns which I really liked. I haven't been in many guilds, but soon after I started I joined "Starship Troopers", they helped me get familiar with the game so I would soon be out on my own. During the time I was in "Starship Troopers" I made myself a Wolver set for some competition in T2 PvP. During that period I joined "Lockdown Legends", which merged with "Lockdown Loons" into "Lockdown Loons". We were very active, but only on PvP and I got tired of that. I decided to leave "Lockdown Loons" and find my own way of fighting except for using Dusker, Swift Flourish + Nightblade and trinkets. So I started using bombs and swords again, but still I couldn't let the guns be unarmed. Since I was travelling in the clockworks mostly alone I decided swords wouldn't be so great in there. Bombs were out as well since I didn't wanted to wait for the charge, in my opinion bombs are too slow for killing. Guns it was! In that time I joined a friend his guild: "Zhraco Knights" and I got to know a lot more people I like to play SK with. And so I went out to make some money (and friends) and made myself a proper gunner set. Then one day a random guy invited me to join his guild: "Order of Valor". I can't tell you why, but I left "Zhraco Knights" and joined his guild. I had a good time there, but gaming took so much time I decided to quit playing for a while. After a few months I wanted to play again, but since the guild had become extinct and all the people I knew were gone, I never had the urge to play Spiral Knights again. I decided to play World of Warcraft, which I did for four and a half months. School was starting again, so I let the game time expire, but then one day I logged on, on Spiral Knights and the good old friend Arcknightdelta was online, the founder of Order of Valor. Since that day, everyone returned to the game. I couldn't be happier! At the moment, a friend at school is also playing WoW and he tries to get me online there too. I'm going to switch again......

GuildLogo-Order of Valor.png

Current guild

Order Of Valor


Cleared all missions.

Solo Gloaming Wildwoods (including the Snarbolax) without any revive

Solo Royal Jelly Palace (including Jelly King) without taking damage!

Solo Ironclaw Munitions Factory (including Roarmulus Twins) without taking damage!

Solo Firestorm Citadel (including Lord Vanaduke) without any revive!

Shadow Lair Gloaming Wilwoods (Including Rapid Snabolaxes) with a full group no revives

Shadow Lair Ironclaw Munitions Factory (Including Red Roarmulus Twins) with a group of two (total) with two 1000 CE revives

Shadow Lair Firestorm Citadel (including Darkfire Vanaduke) with a full group only 2 revives total




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