Almirian Overlords (Guild)

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Almirian Overlords
GuildLogo-Almirian Overlords.png

We want to kick some Almirian butt!

Guild Founder: Syedumer
Approx. Population: 39
Guild Master(s):
  • Syedumer
  • Mukul
Guild Officer(s):
  • Shayank
  • Bolt-The-First
  • Dragoepic
  • Blazingprodigy
  • Peuy

This is the official wiki page for the guild Almirian Overlords!(Blazingprodigy has updated everything, your welcome :))

Objectives needed to achieve for this guild to be one of the majors

15 population: Wiki page

20 population: Monthly challenges with rewards in ce!

25 population: Guild LD

50 population: Guild will be out of beta stages!

Icon-help.png History(How this guild was made)

After syedumer(commonly called dum) left the guild "We hate wolvers" to join the guild "Traders Union" where he met his best future friends Mukul, his little brother Naksk and Shayank. They all where pros and accepted each other as friends. However the creator of the guild "Traders Union" had stopped playing the game and left the guild in the hands of SK user Vrishabh to handle the guild. At first he was good and promoted Mukul to rank GM but then he turned evil and demoted Mukul to veteran and also left the game. The guild was then GM-less. Syedumer decided to create a new guild, a guild that will be fair and good and will not let this thing happen again. Along with Mukul and Shayank(The main and only benefactors of the guild), The guild "Almirian Overlords" was born after a long hard discussion to decide the name.

Icon-help.png About our Guild

We are a group of knights who daily play Spiral Knights and are daily FSC runners. We will help anyone in the guild whether its financial help, in which we will give loans, or mission/boss help, in which we will neglect our FSC runs to help you progress through this game. We will establish our Lock Down team as soon as we have a good population in our guild and there are a majority of 5*s in the guild. We will do daily FSC runs in which even our lowest geared knights can participate so that they can have a good income of crowns and they may get better gear. We are still currently in the guild beta stages with only 15 guild members as of 23rd July.

Icon-mail.png Recruitment

The guild is happy to recruit players from 3* to 5*. Anyone less then 3* cannot be recruited but should be added as a friend so that once he/she gets 3* gear he can be recruited.

Icon-gear.png Guild Ranks

These guild ranking rules should be followed strictly by each and every one of the guild members. The stars shown below represent the star of armor you need to be of that rank. To get to a specific rank player must have its according Armour, Helmet, Shield and Weapon.

  • Any new comers to the guild will be of this rank. The guild master or officers will see to it that the person is promoted to the rank he/she fits in.
  • ★★★ gear. This is the lowest guild rank possible in this guild.
  • ★★★★ gear and solo of FSC depth 24 and 25 only 2 revives
  • Solo of FSC with only 3 revives(don't worry its easy!)

Icon-settings.png Guild Rules

These are the ethical principals of this guild(Sorry our guild liberator asked to add these lines). Anyone who chooses not to obey them will be warned from time to time and if the person does not listen, he/she will be demoted or removed from the guild depending on the seriousness of the rule broken.
  • Do not beg or whine for anything
  • Do not spam or scam(Idk whats the difference...)
  • Try to refrain from swearing in front of guild members. However no one should mind it if you do.
  • Try to be a socialite and be friendly to knights of all guilds and all ranks.
  • RESPECT everybody!

Icon-social.png Members

As of July 25th(Also this section can and should be updated by guild members, if it is outdated, however the editor will try to update this ASAP)

Icon-gear.png Instructors

  • LD Instructor: Mukul
  • Boss/mission helper/instructor: Syedumer
  • Financial Helper/Loan giver: Syedumer
  • Gear helper: All GMs
  • Master of Advertisement: Blazingprodigy

Icon-help.png Editor

  • Editor of this page is: Dragoen(Syedumer's SK account). Anyone wishing to contribute to this page must first ask permission from Syedumer or Blazingprodigy. Guild members can also mail there ideas to the 2 people mentioned above if they want to make contributions indirectly.
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