Dandies (Guild)

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Revision as of 16:38, 26 January 2013 by Gsithgg (Talk | contribs)

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File:Spiral 2013-01-25 18-41-40.png

Guild members

Guild Masters



Nikotheblue, Im-Back, Vileanor, Dragonborz, Mvjkbjj


None at this time


Driftan, Laughingmaniac, Dreuss


Girroto, Ninjalock, Rennyy, Ghoul-Akuma, Furno-Xe, Teh-Gladiator

About us

This guild was created by Vermeh and Beranter, when the game first started, making it one of the oldest guilds. The guild was formed because Vermeh and Berater prefer to play with other people, rather than alone, and being part of a team is cooler. The name Dandies is in honer of their lifestyle, they are Dandies! The coolest of the coolest.

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