From SpiralKnights
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About Entyre
As you have heard, I am Entyre, a vanguard in Precious Light. In the past I have been in Frozen Thrones and Rising in Power, but unfortunately none of those guilds worked out for me. Today I play a lot to earn more crowns and crystal energy to craft things for my knight. I often go on Vanaduke runs in either duos or groups (I soloed him once but it took too long), and solo the three other bosses. My set will always be a hybrid of Mercurial Helm and Grey Feather Mantle (And sometimes Azure Guardian Armor for piercing-type monsters and against toothpicks). However, I do lack a lot of shadow defense, but my alt is a skilled hunter of fiends and beasts.
My alt wears an Ash Tail Coat and Seraphic Helm combination, along with a Wise Owlite Shield. In the future, she would like to get a Valkyrie Helm and Skolver Set, along with a Grey Owlite Shield. Her main weapons, I suggested and were easy to use, are Grand Flourish and Master Blast Bomb. She loves bombing more than any other weapons. However, she is a defender elite, at the moment. I usually provide her with the CE and CR we both earn, and help her craft her gears. Her favorite weapon, and her dream weapon, is the Electron Vortex.
Entyre's Loadout