From SpiralKnights
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[hide]About Lettuce-Sauce
I am Lettuce-Sauce, formerly Entyre, an all-purpose knight who specializes in hybrid gears. I've played this game for a long time and I went on a 5 years hiatus after the release of battle sprites. I just recently came back after quitting other games.
Lettuce-Sauce's Arsenal
- This sword is my first sword ever crafted. The charge attack of this Brandish is what matters. It deals shock which is the most annoying status in Lockdown. If I had to choose between Combuster, Glacius, or Voltedge, I'd choose Voltedge anyday. It is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- One of the more underrated weapons in the game. I use to like it cause of it's damage and freeze proc. But now it's kind of the most useless weapon in my arsenal. The only reason that makes Triglav viable is that it has is a really long range. My Triglav is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Lionheart Honor Blade
- Got this one for free. Thank god I didn't craft Leviathan Blade. I barely used this blade. It is level 10 and has no UVs.
Fearless Rigadoon
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Barbarous Thorn Blade
- I just recently got this sword, since it is more powerful. One of the best piercing weapons in general. Get one if you have problems fighting beasts or fiends. The recipes for this weapon is really hard to get so if you enjoy venturing down the Clockworks, be sure to bring enough crowns to buy it. They are worth a lot. My Barbarous Thorn Blade is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Divine Avenger
- They say this is the "Best Elemental Sword" so I made one. Does a good job at handling zombies and stuff, but not as good as my Voltedge. I love using this in Lockdown cause of its wide swings. ASI is really helpful when using these types of heavy swords. It is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Dread Venom Striker
- I made one cause it was green. For the most part, this weapon's true passion is its chance to inflict poison, one of the most useful statuses in PvE. Get this if you like to inflict poison, but if you like aesthetics, get the Wild Hunting Blade. My Dread Venom Striker is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Gran Faust
- I just recently crafted this weapon. The Gran Faust is unique because it is the only weapon capable of inflicting curse, which is considered the deadliest status. It has the same damage as Acheron, but slower. My Gran Faust is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- My first five-star gun. This gun is very fun to use, despite its difficult usage. Back then the charged shots dealt very strong damage, but now it's apparently very weak. It kills the Royal Jelly slower than my Iron Slug, so avoid this weapon (and Neutralizer) if you can. My Biohazard is level 10 and has the following UVs.
- I love Supernova cause it helped me solo Vanaduke several times without revive. This is one of the greatest guns to bring with you on solo expeditions. Warning: You will be kicked out of a party if you bring this into battle, because of its annoying knockback and bright explosions. Only bring this gun with you if you plan on soloing. My Supernova is level 10 and has the following UV:
Magma Driver
- Started off as my very first two-star weapon, this gun was my favorite elemental weapon because of its high damage. But after doing some testing, I discovered that a Nova Driver will kill monsters faster than a Magma Driver if you rely on its status. So I would rather use Nova. Still a great weapon for inflicting statuses in Lockdown. My Magma Driver is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Blitz Needle
- Only made this to battle Vanaduke. This gun will root you in place for a few seconds so be careful when you use one. It is very powerful in terms of damage, and you can kill Trojans and most vulnerable monsters with just one charged shot. My Blitz Needle is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- I got lucky with a Pulsar and got three UVs while crafting it. It is really useful for taking down turret's but because of its status, it has unreliable knockback. The damage for this weapon matches the damage for Arcana, so as of now, Arcana is more preferred in Lockdown over Polaris. My Polaris is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- I love this gun so much just because it reminds me of a five-star Proto Gun. In general this gun is your most basic elemental gun, dealing mediocre overall damage. It is easy to use and due to it's large bullet size, it is the most commonly used weapon in Lockdown. My Arcana is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Iron Slug
Umbra Driver
- This gun is great against gremlins and slimes, though Iron Slug already does most of the work. My main focus on getting one is to practice gun switching between Umbra and Nova Driver. There is a really steep learning curve to use this gun, so get one if you intend to learn how to use one. My Umbra Driver is level 10 and has the following UV:
Nova Driver
- This is a very good gun, but it requires a bit of skill to land it since the only creatures weak to piercing are beasts and fiends. It is a great piercing gun and can kill most fiends and beasts in 2-3 shots. The Iron Slug is much more versatile however. My Callahan is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- The Neutralizer is a very underrated gun but I can see why. It's charge attack is extremely strong and charges very quickly. It's regular shots however deals very little damage compared to the Biohazard and other guns, so I wouldn't waste my time on it. It is a fun gun to use and very useful for Vana if you do not have Blitz Needle. My Neutralizer is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Winter Grave
Shivermist Buster
- My main crowd control weapon of course. With this bomb, you can lock an enemy in place indefinitely, unlike the Torpor Tantrum, but enemies are still able to attack. Get this bomb if you plan on running Vana or general PvE as a support. My Shivermist Buster is level 10 and has the following UVs.
Dark Briar Barrage
- My main bomb. Use it heavily on almost all enemies that aren't constructs or slimes. Due to its lack of knockback, this bomb is very helpful in clearing rooms, so teammates would not mind if you bring one into battle. A few well-placed bombs can clear rooms in just a few seconds. A must-have for all bombers. My Dark Briar Barrage is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Stagger Storm
- I had Lockdown tokens to spare so I crafted this Stagger Storm. It's kind of unique, and I like to combine it with Electron Vortex. Since stun has a very short duration, it is important that you spam this bomb as much as you can. Combining Shock and Stun is a very popular strategy which renders the victim completely immobile. My Stagger Storm is level 10 and has the following UVs.
Shocking Salt Bomb
- I changed from Radiant Sun Shards to Shocking Salt Bomb after they changed the godly multi-directional RSS. The Shard Bombs are useless without damage bonuses, but because these weapons benefit the most from damage bonuses, they are the only weapons that Bombers can rely on for DPS. Shocking Salt Bomb is great for Compound 42 and Operation Crimson Hammer. My Shocking Salt Bomb is level 10 and has no UVs.
Dark Retribution
- Bring this weapon with you whenever you go to Compound 42 and spam it as much as you can. You can clear the whole mission relatively quick. This shadow bomb does insane amount of damage if properly placed, but it's useless against mini-slimes. Because of that, I rather bring Shocking Salt Bomb into battle than Dark Retribution. My Dark Retribution is level 10 and has the following UVs:
- I made this Nitronome to help me get through those Shadow Lair: Unknown Passages. Warning: You will be kicked from a party if you bring this into battle. The only time it is acceptable to bring one is into the Unknown Passages. This bomb technically requires skills as you need to predict where your enemies will be flung once you place a bomb. My Nitronome is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Electron Vortex
- Electron Vortex is my favorite bomb because of its mechanics. This is generally considered a utility bomb, so if you plan on doing support bombing, a vortex bomb is a must. Electron Vortex is the preferred vortex bomb because shock tends to cancel knockback, which helps your teammates take down large groups of monsters easily. My Electron Vortex is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Torpor Tantrum
- This bomb is my favorite crowd control bomb in LD. In PvE, it requires some skills because 1.) you can't lock enemies into sleep status and 2.) enemies will heal a good amount of health while asleep. The best thing about sleep status is enemies are completely immobile, meaning they cannot attack, be knocked back, or awoken unless they take a certain amount of damage. My Torpor Tantrum is level 7 and has no UVs.
Deadly Crystal Bomb
Mercurial Helm
Grey Feather Cowl
- I got this for decoration purposes. My Grey Feather Cowl is level 10 and has no UVs.
Chaos Cowl
Divine Veil
- I decided to become a mage (which probably doesn't exist in game) so I made all three five-star variant of Magic Cloak. This Veil is very popular because it offers Damage Bonus against fiends, but because of its lack of normal resistance. I wouldn't use it to tank. My Divine Veil is level 5 and has no UVs.
Perfect Mask of Seerus
- Just got this mask since I enjoy gunning a lot. Probably the best gunner equipment for me. This mask goes very well with Shadowsun Slicker, which offers damage boost. My Perfect Mask of Seerus is level 7 and has no UVs.
Snarbolax Cap
Dragon Scale Helm
- I crafted it for aesthetics, but this helm is useful for C42.
Heavy Demo Helm
Dragon Scale Shield
- My first shield. I use it for Compound 42 all the time, but for everything else, a shield with some normal defense would be better. This shield is better for shielding against turrets, which should be a gunner's main priority, so I like to consider this a gunner shield. My Dragon Scale Shield is level 10 and has the following UVs:
Exalted Honor Guard
- Got it for free. Thank god I didn't craft Aegis Shield either. My Exalted Honor Guard is level 10 and has no UVs.
Crest of Almire
Grey Owlite Shield
Swiftstrike Buckler
- I think this shield is worth mentioning since it is my most frequently used shield. It's a three star shield but having this is a must unless you intend on spending a lot of money to punch your weapons to gain ASI.
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Darkfang Shield
- I got really REALLY lucky on 10/23/2018 while running through the clockworks and stumbled upon this jewel. My Darkfang Shield is level 10 and has no UVs.
Grey Feather Mantle
Chaos Cloak
Mercurial Mail
Divine Mantle
- I mean, get this mantle if you need three really useful resistances. The Divine Set offers no normal defenses, which I believe makes this set very situational. Unlike the Veil, the mantle does not provide any bonuses. My Divine Mantle is level 5 and has no UVs.
Shadowsun Slicker
- This armor looks pretty cool in terms of aesthetic, and its is a very useful gunslinger armor due to its damage bonus. I wear this with my Perfect Mask of Seerus since those two goes really well together. My Shadowsun Slicker is level 7 and has no UVs.
Snarbolax Coat
Dragon Scale Mail
- I crafted it for aesthetics, but this armor is useful for C42.
Heavy Demo Suit
- I got lucky with crafting and obtained a decent pair of defense UVs on my bomber set, but I am still deciding what bombing set I want. I am leaning towards Mercurial Demo Set, but Volcanic Demo set seems easier to obtain for me. My Heavy Demo Suit has the following UVs:
Penta-Heart Pendant
- I have two of these, and yes, you need these trinkets. The health bonus provided by them is nothing to laugh at. You can tank three or more sealed sword hits in Lockdown if you have two Penta-Heart Pendants in your trinket slots.
Elite Trueshot Module
- I decided to make one cause I had several mods and orbs to spare. I ended up using this nearly all the time as a gunslinger.
Elite Quick Strike Module
- If you are a swordsman and you do not intend on making a Vog Cub set, make a couple of these, because ASI on sword really does make a huge difference.
Elite Quick Draw Module
- Made this trinket so I can achieve maximum value for all my guns stats. ASI on gun makes a huge difference especially if you intend on gun switching frequently.
Elite Sword Focus Module
- I made this trinket so I can use the Brandish charge attacks more efficiently. Brandish charge attacks are the only charge attacks that are worth using.
Elite Boom Module
- This is my main bombing trinket. I already have CTR on bombs from blanket, UVs, or heat level 10, so CTR is not that difficult to obtain. The shard bombs really benefit a lot from damage bonuses, so it is very effective for people who plan on becoming DPS bombers, as Shard Bombs are the only few available DPS bombs in the game.
As you can tell, I am a hybrid, so I like to specialize in guns, swords, or bombs whenever the time is appropriate. Here is a list of my most used loadouts:
Alchemer Switcher
Perfect Mask of Seerus
Shadowsun Slicker
Swiftstrike Buckler
Elite Trueshot Module
Elite Quick Draw Module
Umbra Driver
Magma Driver/
Nova Driver
- Pet Perk: Trueshot
Firestorm Crusader
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Crest of Almire
Elite Trueshot Module
Penta-Heart Pendant
Iron Slug
Blitz Needle
Electron Vortex
- Pet Perk: Trueshot
Beast Within
Snarbolax Cap
Snarbolax Coat
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Elite Quick Strike Module
Penta-Heart Pendant
Barbarous Thorn Blade
Divine Avenger/
- Pet Perk: Quick Strike
General Dungeoning
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Swiftstrike Buckler
Penta-Heart Pendant
Penta-Heart Pendant
Divine Avenger/
Umbra Driver
- Pet Perk: Healthy Boost
Support Bombing
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Penta-Heart Pendant
Penta-Heart Pendant
Shivermist Buster
Electron Vortex
Stagger Storm
Torpor Tantrum
- Pet Perk: Healthy Boost
Bomb King
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Grey Owlite Shield
Penta-Heart Pendant
Penta-Heart Pendant
Dark Briar Barrage
Dark Retribution
- Pet Perk: Mighty Boom
Lockdown Swordsman
Snarbolax Cap
Snarbolax Coat
Elite Quick Strike Module
Penta-Heart Pendant
Barbarous Thorn Blade
Divine Avenger/
Lockdown Gunner
Perfect Mask of Seerus
Shadowsun Slicker
Elite Trueshot Module
Penta-Heart Pendant
Umbra Driver
Magma Driver/
Nova Driver
Lockdown Bomber
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Penta-Heart Pendant
Penta-Heart Pendant
Torpor Tantrum
Electron Vortex/
Stagger Storm
Green Assassin
- Costume:
Grey Feather Cowl
- Costume:
Fencing Jacket
Mercurial Helm
Mercurial Mail
Quick Strike Module
Trueshot Module
Swiftstrike Buckler
Dread Venom Striker
- Pet Perk: Swift Steps