Planetfall (Guild)/Ranks

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    The Ranks of Planetfall are defined by UP KEEPS. that is
      Uniform Perks Knowledge Expectations Enthusiasm Popularity Special


      • single most defining feature
      • required at formal events (Birthday Parties, Guild Meetings)
      • Wolver Line of Coats (A most fashionable and functional brand)
      • Demo Line of Helms
      • Members are required to craft the base 2* and from there the uniform is supported by the guild. A member's uniform is crafted from the support of his fellow guildmates
      • Uniform Loadout is suggested
      • Unique Accessories are awarded to knights for their uniform upon completion of specific achievements or events.


      Ranks are hard earned, and well rewarded.
      • Rank rooms (Mist well, Lounges, Apt.)
      • Discount Due Rates

    Knowledge(aka: Skill)

      To gain rank, knights are expected to be sufficiently skilled, and as such are expected to complete a series of tasks and tests in order to prove their capabilities The First of the Primary factors


      All knights are expected to follow the basic Rules and Regulations of Planetfall. In addition to these fundamentals, knights are expected to assume additional responsibilities with their ranks

      Most notable, are Dues. Events are fun, but expensive. and having a swag guildhall isn't cheap either. and no single knight can be expected to support an entire guild and as such all members are requested to make a small weekly contribution.

      these contributions go towards uniforms, guild hall upkeep, birthday presents(non-personal), and all other global guild expenditures


      Members of Planetfall are expected to be avid players and contributors. As such, their attendance at guild meetings, involvement in events, and general glee in taking part in being a member of Planetfall is excellent The Second of the Primary Factors


      Disruptive players are not welcome in Planetfall. we're all friends here, and as such, members are required to have the support of their fellow guildies when applying for promotion
      • more than 10 points of recommendation
      • Lower Rank = 1 pt.
      • Same Rank = 2 pt.
      • Higher Rank = 5 pt.
      • Complaint = -4 pt.
      • less than -10 points of recommendation will result in immediate expulsion from Planetfall
      The Third and Final of The Primary Factors


      few knights are a jack of all trades. as such, knights looking to advance in Planetfall need only satisfy 2 of the 3 primary facets of membership. those being Popularity, Enthusiasm, and Knowledge. So a knight could lack all combat skill, but be popular with members and active in events, or be a chatty combatant with no interest in guild events, or be a lone ranger, showing up only for key events and otherwise beating down monsters, and all of those knights could rank up in Planetfall.
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