True Grade (Guild)

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Guild Overview

Here at clan True Grade we don't care about things such as being popular or swooned over by all the mega dorks because our members have lots of money or flashy costumes along any other kind crap like that. Or because our guild hall is crazy packed full of expensive junk that's all smashed together without any form or thought only for the soul purpose of showing off. That is not what we are about here. Our notoriety will be based on our mad skills and true integrity. Skills over gear and quality over quantity is how we roll. The rest comes later. That is our way and what True Grade is all about. This is what we want our known for to those who know of us.

Within the ranks of the True Grade family our members won't beg you for stuff, won't cheat you, won't steal from you, won't talk trash on you, are totally teeniebopper drama free and will actually help you in times of need if you are member of our select society. Overall we are a chillax kick back kind of guild with respectful clan members who are looking for like minded people to join our family. Only ones who are able to make the grade and uphold "The Code of Iron" will ever enter into our halls as a member of the family.



Nues(No Longer Present)

Guild History

This guild was actually created almost couple years back now by it's first original GM and founder Nues, who soon after creating the guild had disappeared from the face of the game never to be seen again. At the time that this guild was created, he wanted me(XEROsignal) to help him run it and made me it's second GM at the very start of it all for whatever reason I'm not really sure of. We had first met when we were both in the same guild named Storm the Fallen which is the first and only other guild I have ever actually been in. At the time he had convinced me to leave that first guild and join him in creating this one which was originally named Archknight. After he left the game not long after creating the guild for reasons still unknown to me, I was left there with only a hand full of members that he had also convinced to leave Storm The Fallen and join. Eventually they all either also quit the game or went their separate ways to join other more active guilds and then one day, it was just me left here alone in this big giant empty guild hall. For over a year or so it stayed like that with just me as it's caretaker and only member. Although I had gotten many guild invites during the time I had been alone in this guild, I never had the heart to abandon it because I felt it would be a shameful waste to lose such a nice guild hall that I myself had put a lot of work into since its beginning.

After some time of being alone as Archkinght's only member, I had decided to make it a goal of mine to eventually take full control and ownership of the guild in attempts to possibly have it reach the heights that it's creator had once dreamed of. Till then I had really only ever thought of myself as it's ever watchful caretaker who waits for the masters return which never came. So with the goal now set in my mind, my first order of business was to change the original guild name Archknight which I honestly never really cared for. I felt that I had to do this to really take full ownership of the guild and after more then a year of or so being alone there, I finally built up enough funds to change the guilds name which is now True Grade as of 09/01/2014. This guild name has always stuck with me through many other online MMO games I had played over the years in where I had always created a guild named True Grade. The same pretty much goes for the moniker I have always gone by in every game I have ever played, which for over the past 17 years or so now is XEROsignal. From Lineage II, World of Warcraft, Dungeon Fighter Online, Elsword, Scarlet Blade as well as many other games and now to Spiral Knights, I have always been XEROsignal of clan True Grade.

So now today in the present, I have finally been able to take the first steps towards creating a safe place for good hearted, honest and respectable people who are free of dipstick disease to come where they feel welcomed and comfortable. Tired of constantly always running into guilds that all have the same usual problems in just about any game like asshat guild members, excessively needless drama, attention hungry buttplugs, whiny beggars, disrespectful little rat punks, lying scammers and the classic egomaniac dictator like GM or Officers, I concluded that I can never allow any type of people like this to run around in the guild creating trouble for others if I ever want to be able to create a peaceful place for good people to be. So I am always very picky about who we allow to join our clan.

Anyhow, that is pretty much the history of this guild known today as True Grade for anyone curious about it's origin. If you think you got what it takes to become part of the family after reading through our guild wiki page here, then hit me up in game or mail me about joining us here at True Grade if you feel that this is the right place for you and that you are good fit for the guild. So far although we just recently started recruiting members, I am happy with everyone here that has what it takes to be a member of the family. They are truly all of true grade. Are you?

Nomine Patris et Fili et Spiritus Sancte. Deus Volente Servo Nobis et Alimentus Nostri, Adveniat Donec Regnum. Amen...†

Fidei ex Notae Germanum (Credo of True Grade)

To never break The Code of Iron that binds us together as a family.

The Clan Members

Guild Masters

XEROsignal (The Forever Restless 0ne)

NuesMule (Nues's bankbitch alt gone M.I.A.)

Nues (The Absentee Landlord gone A.W.O.L.)


Xxzombie-Killerxx (Slayer of men and killer of zombies in which they became!)

Roycelyne (XERO's alt The Lovely Nubby Guild Nurse Red Royce)


God-Slaying-Miku (Skills so sharp that in battle, even a god will be cut.)

Kraanx (Kraank that muthabitch up sucka fool!)


Titan-Nick (The Titanic Titan Nubling Nicholi)

Xx-Snarbolax-Xx (Ruler of the Gloaming Wildwoods)

Mecharang (The Mecha Wolver)

Winter-Night (A cold chill of deadly twilight.)

Mishilless (Without Mishil.)

Knight-For-Vana (The Rookie Rook)

Sordes (A bacterial crust upon the lips and teeth caused by a deathly fever to be handled with extreme caution.)

Pyromaniacal (Mad Maniacal Maniac of Pyromancy)

The Clan Rules

The 10 Key Commandments of True Grade

1. Don't bring the drama cause we don't want none son.

2. Don't steal from others inside the guild, outside of the guild or the guild storage's.

3. Don't cheat your guild mates or lie to them or even people outside of the guild as well.

4. Don't be a beggar because we want members that are skilled and capable of helping themselves as well as others when needed. So no begging guild mates or other people looking for free handouts ever. That is not our way here.

5. Respect your guild mates and others and do not trash talk each other or start fights with one and other.

6. We tend to joke around a lot so you need to be able to handle adult sense of humor and most likely strong/foul language, at all times. Anything beyond joking falls under bringing the drama or starting fights with others.

7. Be chill, remain chill, and spread that chilly sauce all around as far as the minds eye can see.

8. Help guild mates if you are free so that we can rise up together and become a force to be reckoned with.

9. Contribute to the guild funds if you want or when you can for things like paying the weekly upkeep to keep it open to us, expanding the guild hall and adding furnishings like boss replicas to the guild hall or vendors. You are not required to donate crowns or materials to the guild treasury, just do so if you want to see us move up in the world.

10. Be true to yourself, to others and also be true of heart, integrity, skill and will. Just be of True Grade.

The Alpha-Omega Directive

The Code of Iron: Never betray the family. Never betray. Never...


If you think you can make the grade and want to join our guild then please PM or Mail XEROsignal in game about it and I will send you a recruitment letter concerning your possible membership. Your membership will be based on your agreement and adherence to the set rules of the clan. I look forward to hearing from good potential candidates that are interested in joining who will fit in with the guild. Take care then and have a grand one.

Guild Recruitment Letter (only to be used by guild members for recruitment purposes)

Directions for Use of Recruitment Letter

For guild members of True Grade who come across any potential recruits that are interested in becoming members of the family, please copy the letter you see below and send it to the person inquiring about membership. The candidate must agree to all the terms and regulations set forth by the guild before they can receive an invitation into the guild. Also the candidate must talk to me personally at some point prior to or previous of when they become a recruit before they can actually gain full membership to the guild. After they have agreed to the set rules and are given a trial membership as a recruit, they will also have to pass a skill assessment test which all other guild members have undergone and passed in order to graduate as a legit member.

Is your current guild not active or does it just plain suck the donkey sack because of all the needless highschool like drama that even your dear ol grandmama don't wanna have none of? Or do you just not have a guild and are looking to join one with chill ass members that won't beg you for stuff, won't cheat you, won't steal from you, won't talk trash on you, are totally teeniebopper drama free and will actually help you in times of need?

Well then True Grade might be the place you belong in. We're looking for like minded players that are also chill and can remain chill. The rules of the guild are simple and goes as follows.

1. Don't bring the drama cause we don't want none son.

2. Don't steal from others inside the guild, outside of the guild or the guild storage's.

3. Don't cheat your guild mates or lie to them or even people outside of the guild as well.

4. Don't be a beggar because we want members that are skilled and capable of helping themselves as well as others when needed. So no begging guild mates or other people looking for free handouts ever. That is not our way here.

5. Respect your guild mates and others and do not trash talk each other or start fights with one and other.

6. We tend to joke around a lot so you need to be able to handle adult sense of humor and most likely strong/foul language, at all times. Anything beyond joking falls under bringing the drama or starting fights with others.

7. Be chill, remain chillaxed, and spread that chilly sauce all around as far as the minds eye can see.

8. Help guildies if you are free so that we can rise up together and become a force to be reconned with.

9. Contribute to the guild funds if you want or when you can for things like paying the weekly upkeep to keep it open to us, expanding the guild hall and adding furnishings like boss replicas to the guild hall or vendors. You are not required to donate crowns or materials to the guild treasury, just do so if you want to see us move up in the world.

10. Be true to yourself, to others and also be true of heart, integrity, skill and will. Just be of True Grade.

Any breaking of the first 7 rules will automatically get you expelled from the clan for all time. If you can manage to follow all these rules above which you can call the 10 key commandments of True Grade, then you are fit to be a member within our select society. Here at clan True Grade we don't care about things such as being popular or swooned over by all the mega dorks because our members have lots of money or flashy costumes along any other kind crap like that. Or because our guild hall is crazy packed full of expensive junk that's all smashed together without any form or thought only for the soul purpose of showing off. That is not what we are about here. Our notoriety will be based on our mad skills and true integrity. Skills over gear and quality over quantity is how we roll. The rest comes later. That is our way and what True Grade is all about. This is what we want our known for to those who know of us.

Thanks for reading through this message and considering becoming a member of the True Grade family. Please either PM or mail me in game if you would like to join and I will send you a reply. I hope you can make the grade, the True Grade. There is actually one final commandment you can add to the list which should never be broken and supersedes all the others. It's called the Code of Iron, which is to never betray the family. Never betray. Never...

p.s. If for some reason you did not read through this entire message then you are likely not fit to join our ranks. Also come check out the True Grade clan hall, we got just about everything you need in here and the design is pretty sweet. Hope you enjoy checking it out.


True Grade GM: XEROsignal

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