User talk:Williamsteve

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Revision as of 01:14, 7 September 2014 by Williamsteve (Talk | contribs)

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Thanks for your contributions! Be sure to add relevant image tags to your image uploads. Have fun! -Novaster 03:38, 22 August 2014 (UTC)

Sure buddy. I will check the link and will try to do it in a more correct way. Thank you so much for the enlightenment. :)
Ah, to add tags, simply edit the file's page as you would any other page and put the tag in that way, if the upload didn't have it in the first place. -Novaster 23:03, 27 August 2014 (UTC)
Thank you,I now know how to tag properly and upload in a more proper way. Thanks again! Nova
The tag you want for your recent uploads is "accessory image". Use existing tags from the tag list I linked for you. You can make more tags if there's a ton of images that qualify for a tag, so long as the tag isn't ultra-specific. -Novaster 02:34, 1 September 2014 (UTC)
Hi yes, I've changed it and currently I've uploaded wings of summer image with "Accessory image" but it failed then I've uploaded a newer version with "Unique armor back image" hopefully, I've chosen the right tags. Thank you Novaster, have a great day.
Just use the "accessory image" in brackets. There's no need for "unique blahblah" and so on in brackets, as these are not tags. "Tags" are a general thing editors put on images so images can be identified easily, in case pages are lost, the title convoluted, and so on - what's the point of this image? A tag will tell you. Again, check out this page for image tags. I've gone through and fixed the tags on your uploads so far - in the future ... in general, just use tags from this list. -Novaster 12:31, 5 September 2014 (UTC)

Oh Nova, sorry for the trouble.Lsat time,I put accessory image only and it didn't go through,so I put unique armor back or ...etc to make it go through.I will get into the details again and look more more carefully now. So sorry again. Thank you and have a great day.

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