Bombing Guide

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A bomber is a core player key to any party. As a bomber, you are tasked with keeping enemies from getting too close to your allies, keeping yourself out of harm's way, and doing area of effect damage while applying a wide range of status effects. Though this may seem to be a tedious line of work at first, it is an integral position for any organized party, and to some there is no greater satisfaction than to see a bombing run go perfectly.

There are several important things to consider while playing the role of the bomber. First, and perhaps most importantly, is to avoid the common mistake of simply running about randomly while dropping bombs erratically. This will cause the positioning of monsters to become very difficult to predict, and the explosions may randomly push monsters into places where they may be able to attack a vulnerable ally. Instead, focus on what would be the most efficient strategy to ensure that monsters are persistently lured into your bombs (and preferably blown away from your allies). An easy tactic is to place a bomb, begin charging a second bomb, run into the crowd of enemies in front of you to lure them into the blast radius of your bomb, and then after the explosion, place the second bomb in the same place as the first, repeating for as long as necessary.

Second, a bomber must be aware of their party as well as their enemies. Remember that the Blast Bombs are great for soloing, but in a party, your group will begin to tire of not being able to see enemies due to the large blue cloud produced after the detonation, which is very dangerous. Though you may well be safe standing at the epicenter of your bomb, your fellow knights will likely be blinded, unable to see the foes that are around them. The only real way to effectively blast bomb in a party is to follow members closely if they have a gun, or to simply herd enemies into a corner for your swordsmen. To a lesser extent, be aware of the interactions of your bombs with certain monsters. Using the Ash of Agni on Oilers is a poor idea due to their healing when set ablaze, as well as using the Ionized Salt Bomb on Quicksilvers as they become extremely fast when affected with shock.

Third, memorize the spawn patterns that appear after a party button has been pressed. Though the spawns are somewhat random, they are collected from a pool of possible locations, and a bomber can capitalize on this by placing a Haze Bomb-series bomb on one of those locations before the monsters spawn, which will apply the respective status effect on the monsters that appear there. Even if no monsters spawn in that location, other monsters may be lured into the resulting cloud of mist, ensuring that the bomb is not wasted.

Lastly, a bomber must know how to deal with monsters that attack at range. though a knight with a sword or handgun will be able to combat them as normal usually, sometimes "pure" bombers will not have either of those things (instead having an equipment set of four bombs), or the duties of a bomber may take precedence over defeating those monsters personally. A bomber is not entirely helpless, however; bombs such as the Crystal Bombs fire projectiles instead of a standard explosion, and can be used to "snipe" ranged attackers such as Gun Puppies and Devilites. A well-placed Shivermist Buster may also freeze several foes in place, making Devilites easy targets and making it impossible for gun puppies to rotate, effectively limiting them to attacking only knights that cross directly in front of them.


detailed outline of each from the bomb balance thread:

Bombing Times in Milliseconds
None Low Medium High VHigh Ultra Max
Haze 3180 2960 2700 2447 2230 1975 1755
Blast 220 2040 1866 1701 1545 1400 1225
Ioni 4200 3850 3570 3250 2950 - -


Contributions - later date stuff.

Support tactics:


situations can unfold where you'll have to take one for the team. a prime example is against spiny toxilargos, where poison really demoralizes he team. simply place freezies next to him risking running through the poison field as the status affect of the bomb is all that matters.

Corner shielding.

One of my favourites is to grab a big radius blast bomb, sit in a corner while the rest of your team guns. it keeps melee mobs distant and your teamates will thank you when a zombie starts noming on their face.

Carry your team tactics:

Graviton + Freezy + Fire + Irontech.

if you can afford four weapon slots, and still be pure bomber, this is essential for clearing out rooms solo. basically heard your mob crowd with you graviton, stick them in one place with a freezy. drain their damage with fiery then blow the bajeebus out of them with a well placed irontech. this is serious fun, and can be minimized if a party all puts in for one bomb type - all stand in one place and let it rip.



All of the bombers from The Elite bomber thread, and all the ones in game who i have learnt from. Main contributers to THIS page:

  • Eeks
  • Fallout
  • Culture
  • Syor
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