Impervious (Guild)

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Revision as of 20:51, 7 November 2011 by Konurb (Talk | contribs)

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That's What She Said

Guild Founder: Swarleysparkles, Sciasz
Approx. Population: 95-100

Guild Members


  • Veterans = 4*/5*
  • Members = 3*/4*/not new but relatively recent recruits

How to Join

Must have access to T3 and please post the following through our official thread or send either myself, (IGN) Swarleysparkles or Sciasz a friend request ingame with a message you would like to join and we'll chat:

  • 1. IGN:
  • 2. Star of Gear:
  • 3. How often do you play?:
  • 4. Timezone?
  • 5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?:

(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)

  • 6. Why do you want to join Impervious?

NOTE: We have been consistently floating between the 95-100 member range and will continue to be to ensure there is high activity within the guild. Any mature, active, skilled players are most welcome to express their interest in joining as we want to continue to build and expand our inner-circle of friends and people to do runs with so if you feel like you would be a good fit, please give us a shout :)

Screenshot Gallery

Happy Halloween from Impervious! - Oct 30
Impervious Portrait - Oct 30
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