This is Aegis Team!
Guild Founder:
Approx. Population:
Elite 4
Guild Master(s):
- Chrizmaniac (Maniac or Chriz)
- Spongerino (Hamster)
Guild Officer(s):
- Hitranger (Candy)
- Infernodious (Inferno)
About Us
Upon first sight, Spiral Knights believe we are named after the famous "Aegis" shield. However, this is not the case, because we are not named after a virtual item, but a mythological shield worn by Athena. Now, the more modern concept of doing something "under someone's aegis" means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.
Our name "Aegis Team" therefore means that we protect using knowledge and power.
Visit our website for more details!
The Beginning
Aegis Team was started off by a small group of friends on August 23, 2011. Xxqwertyxx and Chrizmaniac jointly raised the resources required to found the guild and Xxqwertyxx formed it.
Later On
About a month after the guild was formed, Spongerino created his own Spiral Knights account, and eventually obtained the rank of guild master. Hitranger joined shortly after, and eventually obtained the rank of officer.
Artistbma asked if he could make Aegis Team a loser page and so he did. The Aegis Team Wiki page grew through contributions from Artistbma and Chrizmaniac. Artistbmare also created the "Aegis Team recruitment thread". The guild page and forum thread greatly contributed to the growth of Aegis Team.
A Step Forward
The forums thread started off slow, people posting an application about once every week or two. Then gradually, more and more applications showed up. Aegis Team's population grew. Aegis Team recruited members of all tiers and skill levels. Many members also invited their friends into Aegis Team. Eventually, the Aegis Team became more popular and well-known.
Recruiting Campaign
Chrizmaniac created a theme song for the guild and let everyone listen to it. We all liked it, and Chrizmaniac put it on the wiki page. This video also included a picture of our official guild emblem. Chrizmaniac decided to make a trailer for the guild after the guild masters agreed to hold a recruiting campaign starting July 1st 2012. The trailer featured members running in the clockworks, playing Lockdown, and having fun. Little did we know, we had just created the very first Spiral Knight's Guild Trailer in existence.
The Great Aegis Team
Aegis Team received many more applications to join with the debut of the trailer. We grew to a great 70+ members. But the History isn't over. New members come often. Aegis Team has been growing slowly but surely, and to this day, it is full of loyal, active, and sociable members.
The "Elite Four," which are Chrizmaniac, Spongerino, Candy-loser, and Vegan decided to dissolve Aegis Team as of November, 10, 2012 due to the inactivity of the Elite Four.The Aegis Team membership transferred to an ex-Aegis Team officer guild, "Ominous." Aegis Team currently lives on as the members of the Elite 4. When the time comes, Aegis Team will rise again like a loser.
Theme Song and Official Emblem
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPNTWRDzD4U&feature=youtu.be (Put together by Chrizmaniac)
Aegis Team Gallery
The images in these subsections give you a glimpse of what it is like in Aegis Team.
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"Attack Hug" By Chrizmaniac Part 1 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/AttackHug1.jpg
"Attack Hug" By Chrizmaniac Part 2 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/AttackHug2.jpg
"Legion of Almire's spa" By Chrizmaniac Part 1 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/LoASpa1.jpg
"Legion of Almire's spa" By Chrizmaniac Part 2 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/LoASpa2.jpg
"Legion of Almire's spa" By Chrizmaniac Part 3 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/LoASpa3.jpg
"Legion of Almire battle" By Chrizmaniac http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/LoAManiacHamsterCandyGhost.jpg
"Vog Knight" By Kaijuhunter (Ace) http://deathscythe425.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d4we0m6
"Aegis Team Elite Four" By Chrizmaniac http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o281/tian112/AegisEliteFour.jpg
"Ready or not" By Ice/Night-rove http://s1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii489/gianbtst/?action=view¤t=Readyornot.mp4