Credibility Problems (Guild)

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Guild Summary

So, you're looking for an organised, impressive guild filled with lots of serious players? I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place! Credibility Problems is a fun, friendly (moderately, if you don't count Galack) and casual guild for players of all ages and abilities! So what if we’ve got credibility problems? So what if, at the grand meeting of the guilds, our guild turned up late, hair dishevelled, shirt on backwards and unaware of the four letter obscenity scrawled on his forehead? The point is we don’t take the game too seriously. We’re in it for the craic. We don’t require anything as vulgar as skill or high tier equipment from our membership, just the ability to form borderline coherent sentences and to take a joke.

Well what do you have to offer me?

What don't we have? (Quite a lot, however that's besides the point..)

Basically, we can offer you (yes, YOU)..

  • A small guild with a small guild mentality - whatever that might be.
  • A lighthearted and carefree attitude towards the game.
  • Friendly and welcoming towards players of all skill levels.
  • A complete lack of hierarchy because, really, who can be bothered with that sort of thing? Everybody gets as much power as he or she can be trusted not to abuse, and in some cases just a smidge more.
  • We realise an online game is sometimes not the most important thing in your life, and leaves of absence can and will occur. We will not kick absent members unless it is completely necessary in order to let in new blood. This will not be happening for a while, if it ever does; our membership is small and will most likely remain so for the foreseeable future.
  • Free cake (Terms and Conditions apply)


We would advise:

  • Not being a complete douchenozzle, or else you will get the almighty banhammer
  • Not spending the money in the treasury if there isn't enough to pay the upkeep
  • Being a bad-ass mother like all our other members (especially Elizawub and Galack a.k.a the Cool Crew)

How to join

If we sound like your kind of jam, all you have to do is ask! There are a number of ways you can do so;

  • Leave a comment on our forum thread
  • Contact a GM or any member of Credibility Problems in-game
  • Perform a dark ritual to send us a message across the astral plane (not advised)

For any other queries about joining the guild, leave us a forum comment or message one of us! :>


We currently (well, last time I checked in) around 97 members, some of which we may be able to free up if things get desperate before we can buy an expansion. The peeps to message about recruitment (which you really want to happen, don't you) are:

  • Meeji - Our overlord and creator
  • Elizawub
  • Galack
  • Illumi
  • Waffle-bunny
  • Fehzor
  • Shadowstaar

Or any other number of GMs/Officers we have, as there are a few and I'm currently too lazy to include them all.

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