Ascended Knights (Guild)

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Ascended Knights
GuildLogo-Ascended Knights.jpg

"All who oppose us know fear"

Guild Founder: Djoshman
Approx. Population: around 90
Guild Master(s):
  • Djoshman
  • Chasd
Guild Officer(s):
  • Neoretro
  • Mortalkaos
  • Theturtlewarrior
  • Your-Leader

Our Motto

We are Ascended. Let all who oppose us know fear.

Guild Summary

Ascended Knights is awesome. We're a fun all-around guild that can help you with stuff.

Guild Membership

Everyone will start out as a recruit. New recruits must wait at least two weeks before being considered for promotion to member. Part of this consideration will include guild contributions and participation. Promotion to veteran will be given to those who have shown a commitment to helping the guild.

Our Guild Rules

To maintain your membership with the guild, you MUST follow these rules.

1. No selling or begging in guild chat.

2. Please don't start or get involved in fights. Let's keep the peace.

3. At least be on once a week. Come on.

4. No alts in the guild. (These are alternate characters, for those who are new)

5. Mist well use is limited to once per day unless you supply your own CE for it. Access is restricted to veterans and up. Everyone else must ask for access.

And that's it. Not too difficult to do. Most discipline is at Officer/GM discretion. We're nice though.

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