Mitternacht (Guild)/Benefits

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Guild Bank

The guild bank is a member of the guild who's sole responsibility is to hold funds and donations to be redistributed to members. The items can be supplied for crafting or for contests. If you wish to make a donation, send an in-game email to 'BankofAndras'. To make a request from the bank, send an in-game email to a Guild Master with what item you wish to request as well as the reason.

Guild Crafting Assistance Fund

This fund is open to any Mitternacht member, in good standing, to help with the crafting costs for 4 and 5 star items. This is not meant for 1 to 3 star items due to the low cost associated with crafting them. Therefore, a guild member will be able to request assistance to receive 200 CE for a 4* item and 400 CE for a 5* item.


The energy must be used for a 4 or 5 star items only and will be provided once the member has shown the item to be upgraded is at the appropriate heat level to upgrade. A member will only have three requests available. They can obtain more requests once appropriate deposits have been made back into the account. The request must go to a Guild Master, which will then decide on the request. If approved, the guild bank will supply the requested energy. All donations can be mailed to the guild bank or traded upon request. If a member is found to be abusing the system, they will immediately be removed from the guild.

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