User talk:N3cR0m4nS1r

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Revision as of 02:35, 27 October 2013 by Artistbma (Talk | contribs)

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O hai.

Hay dere.


You say hi I say hello.

  • le gasp* who are you peeps who replied to me and said Hay dere and You say hi I say hello. Isis and Dusk? Blitz? ~LoN

Friends' Cameos/Roles in stories

Blizhawk: Blitz, an Isoran soldier/fighter pilot. Member of Vaelyn's squad during the Liberation of Ilsola. Received burns and injuries from Biscotti after she whacked him with a frying pan when he insulted her cooking while he was in the infirmary for battle wounds. Has a pet rock he calls Dusk. Medium role.

Duskfinder: Dusk, Blitz's pet rock. When Blitz went to Cradle, he carved Dusk into the shape of a Snipe. Dusk gained sentience and became a ninja wizard rocket propelled snipe rock that can control peoples' minds and communicate telephatically(<dat spelling). Most important role in the story.

Jmtheawesome: Jim, a random Spiral Knight. Minor role.

Votabbot/Isis: Vot, crew member of the Equinox. Medium role.

Pictures of the One Discussion

Pictures coming soon! :D

Hi, I'm Artistbma. Boop.

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