Cartel (Guild)

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Guild Founder: Bananaana
Approx. Population: #

Guild Officer(s):
  • Cszn
  • Odradeko
  • Batca
Website: (FB page)

About Guild:

The story of Cartel beganwhen few knights decided to pursue their dream of making a warm and friendly guild. In Cartel we pride ourselves in seeking to create a unified group of adventure loving, helpful and all around friendly knights. It does not matter if you are a battle hardened veteran knight who can rampage through Vanaduke’s castle with a protosword, or a new knight who has yet to discover all the wonders of the arcade, Cartel is a place for everyone. So, if you're friendly, need some help in learning more about the game, or perhaps make some friends and have fun causing havoc in the arcade, Cartel will be like a second home to you!

Guild Activities:

We have a variety of different activities to keep our knights happy.Some of them include going token hunting (In particular, we really enjoy kicking Vanaduke’s backside) and going on arcade runs in search for all kinds of powerful weapons.You need not worry if you are not yet properly equipped to face those baddies, many of our knights can be seen running trough missions trying to rank up, so you will not only have help but also some nice company.Do not think we have forgotten about the good old Lockdown matches, some of our knights are hardcore lockdown players. Of course we also have a fair amount of casual lockdown players who will go in a match just to have some fun.So,whatever you prefer,you will always find good company.There are no guild events currently,but we will work hard to prepare some in the near future.

How to Join:

Joining Cartel is very easy,we only have two requirements,you must be an adventure loving knight who will always laugh in the face of danger (cracking up a few bad puns is acceptable too)and you must have a full 3 star gear (or higher)… also read our guild rules.To get invite,just send a message to our Guild master “Bananaana”. Also you could visit our Guild Hall and talk to members that you meet there, or in Haven.

Guild Rules:

All members must obey these rules.Any violation of the following rules will be sanctioned by expulsion or demoting,depending on which rule is violated. 1. No begging in the Haven or the Guild. 2.No spamming.That includes spamming chat in guild or Haven and spamming with random friend invites. 3.No begging for help with missions in guild.It is enough to ask once, if somebody can and wants to,they will help you.Don't forget that all players have things to do just like you,and that they can't submit all of their time to you. 4.Absolutely no national, racial or religious hatred.This will be sanctioned with a report and expulsion from the guild. 5.Guild members are not obliged to borrow anything to someone just because he is in guild.If you do this,you do it with your own free will,and you alone will suffer the consequences if that person doesn't respect agreement.Guild can't and won't take sides or participate in that matter. 6.Asking someone constantly to borrow you something or help you make better gear is considered same as begging and spamming. 7.No begging for a rank.You will be promoted when you pass all requirements.There is no need to remind us. 8. Stealing from the Guild treasury is punishable via ban. 9. All members are free to use any of the resources in the guild storage but only for crafting.If you take stuff and sell it, you will be considered a thief and treated like one. (Refer to rule 8.) 10. All donations to guild treasury are voluntary.That doesn't mean you should take everything you can, and then neglect to give anything back to guild.It means that every member can decide for himself how much he can spare to donate so we can make our guild a better place. Donating materials, equipment and crowns is always welcome. If u want to donate, store in a Storage, rather than putting them in the Treasury. 11. Be nice, polite and enjoy the game.

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