Akatsukhi (Guild)

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Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Guild Founder: Gorman & Zredtide
Approx. Population: 60+

About The Guild

Akatsukhi! Full of good people. We are quick to jump to the aid of our guildmates. Anyone asks for help, were there. More and more solid members join our ranks almost every day! We do not tolerate beggers, braggers, or inactives. Just have fun with the game in this guild, dont take it too seriously, we dont want civil war breaking out! ~Guild Master Gorman

We welcome you to Akatsukhi with open arms!!

Rules and Regulations

1. First and Formost, Talk in guild chat, seriously, a dead chat leads to a dead guild!

2. Please donate whenever possible, theres no set amount, no requierments, we just ask that you do.

3. No bragging, begging, whining, or arguing. Nobody likes these types of people

4. The guild storage is not a free bank unless for very low materials. If you take somthing, make sure to trade it with another. Or donate crowns to the guild treasury.

Guild Members

Guild Promotions

Recruit: Inactives soon to be removed

Member: Automatically ranked as you come into the guild

Veteran: Must pass a GM made test to become this rank, different GMs pasing standards may vary.

Officer: No openings for this one currently, if any of the GMs see you fit to bcome one, then you have a high chance, other than that, be patient.

Guild Masters: Patience is seriously a virtue if you ever want this position. If the Guild Masters feel like you deserve it, you will have it.

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