Makuta (Guild)

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"To Conquer Cradle!"

Guild Founder: Equos
Approx. Population: 13
Guild Master(s):
  • Equos
  • Goroklark
Guild Officer(s):
  • Goatlet
  • Hopplet

Guild Overview

Makuta was started for Bionicle (and Spiral Knights) fans to get together and have fun.

It's not necessary to know a lot (or anything) about Bionicle before you join, but it certainly helps.

We just want to have a nice community.

We will maybe start doing guild runs and contests when we get more members.

We now have an official guild email: If you have an issue, this is a good way to get in contact with a GM.


Mid 2014 (Founding)

Guild was Founded by Equos, with the help of Goroklark.

Late 2014 (The Dark Ages Begin)

Several of the founder friends join. Guild is at 3 members.

Early 2015 (The Dark Ages)

Nothing eventful happens. Some members come and go. Guild is at approximately 3 members throughout.

Mid 2015 (Late Dark Ages)

Nothing eventful happens.

Late 2015

A new recruitment campaign begins, which drastically increases membership. Goatlet and Hopplet are made officers, cause they're super nice.

Rules (WIP)

Remember! GM's may be sneaking around on alts, waiting to catch rule breakers!

1. No racism. We treat all races equally.

2. No scamming. It's just not nice. And remember, OOO has a zero-tolerance policy on scamming.

3. Respect other members. Goes without saying, right? Especially if it's an Officer.

4. No spamming. It's unbelievably annoying, and we don't want it!

5. No begging. If you want or need something, ask a member.

6. No harassment. Don't spam party invites, or anything else!

7. Keep swearing to a minimum. Not really banned, just... keep it to a minimum.

8. If you are going to be inactive for a time, tell someone so that we don't kick you.

Recruitment and Promotions

If you wish to join, contact one of our GMs or Officers. Or maybe they'll contact you.

As of now, Makuta is: Recruiting

About Each Rank (WIP)

IMPORTANT: Until further notice, GM Equos has full executive power.

This is a little bit about what you can expect from a member of a certain rank.


  • Recruits have no responsibilities, however, they are not yet considered full members.
  • This is not an excuse to look down on and harass them!


  • Members have no responsibilities, except to donate help to pay for upkeep and upgrades.
  • They make up most of the guild.


  • Veterans watch over the lower ranks, and keep them in line.
  • They can start guild runs and other events.
  • They are reliable in combat, and trustworthy.


  • An Officer's primary job is to recruit new members for the guild.
  • Officers watch over the lower ranks, and keep them in line.
  • These guys should set an example for other guild members to follow. They are helpful, respectful, etc.

Current Members

Purple Demotions and Getting kicked out Purple

If you break guild rules, you run the risk of being demoted.

Being kicked out means that you have broken guild rules multiple times.

If you feel that you have been demoted of kicked unfairly, contact a Guild Master, and they will help you sort it out.

Weekly Events

  • Upkeep is currently paid on Mondays, and sits at 12,000 crowns.


We are in no way affiliated with Lego. At all.

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