Clockworks Favorites:
Who I am:
I'm just your average guy who likes playing games, eating pizza, likes the colour purple and enjoys sport when not playing video games. I'm over 18, I love PC's a lot, my time zone is AEST, and I should probably have less spare time.
Cdst started off his adventure in the crazy new world in June 2012, and was wondering what to make of this new place he was confronted by. Trying to find his purpose in Spiral Knights, Cdst moved onwards, out of base camp and into the town; Haven, it was beautiful.
One day, Cdst was hanging out in Haven when he came across some Vanguards, and thought to himself 'I wish I looked that cool and had cool weapons like them'.
So off Cdst went on his quest to be a better player, learning from the best. As Cdst's skills improved, so did his costumes.
Now this got rather boring for Cdst, and then he later became uninterested in Spiral Knights, all because he got stuck on his first Candlestick Keep, and to this very day still hates the level.
After taking a really long time off from playing Spiral Knights he later went back in 2013, where he realised that mist energy was gone for good, along with the removal of using energy for lifts, and the addition of orbs (a pain to find) and fire crystals (which he dislikes because it removed the heating system from 2012 which he thought was really good). He finally had got the Vanguard rank, and looked as dashing as all the other Vanguards he had admired when he was a new player..
After finishing all his rank missions he made it his goal to get all items in the game, that were functional and later get some stellar armour sets so he too can have a lot of cool costumes to use for various occasions. First it started with his array of guns, which to this day he is still collecting, having most of the guns already ,and gradually getting all gear that you could possibly want and dream about. He also enjoys to help out his guild when he can and help out the new players, if they are not begging :)
And that pretty much sums up Cdst's story to where he is now.