
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 05:53, 27 November 2010 by Pauling (Talk | contribs)

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I am an overzealous wiki editor who enjoys warm coca, koala rescue programs, and long walks on the beach of my landlocked country.

I am not yet the greatest wikipedia editor who ever lived, and yet my vast and plentiful skills are already the source of wonders too numerous to mention. Bow before me!

Peace, love, and pandas, Saphykun 18:02, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

To do

  • Be showered with crowns and energy by my adoring public
  • Create individual shield pages
  • Do more runs from Moorcroft to Emberlight to get more crowns to buy more shields to get more screenshots
  • MAYBE buy bombs. MAYBE. Actually, no, I hate using bombs to begin with, but I feel like no one else will have screenshots of them...
  • Finish Kat origamis (Spookat and Blookat - Blookat pics at the end of November, hopefully!)
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