User:Duke Nukem

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Revision as of 16:11, 25 July 2011 by Duke Nukem (Talk | contribs)

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Cirn⑨ The Tr⑨ubled... err... ⑨?

Hello! Eye'm Cirno, and Eye'm the strongest ⑨ around. Eye'm also number ⑨ in the Spiral Knights manual? What's that? There isn't a manual?

Read this upside down. There you found it! ^^'
Cirnothebaka, my main

Eye must stop eating frogs! Help me quit the frogs! >.< Yeah that's all here.

See those big guys on the floors that you can't invite to? They have names, believe it or not. So lets discuss who of those eye've killed... When eye've figured this out.

Eye eye captain. --Your Friendly ⑨ 17:06, 25 July 2011 (GMT)

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