Scarlet Gensokyo (Guild)

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Revision as of 19:43, 26 July 2011 by Duke Nukem (Talk | contribs)

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GuildLogo-Scarlet Gensokyo.png
'In a world without rules, danmaku is nonsense.'
~Marisa, The Grimoire of Marisa


A guild for Touhou fans and such. Non-lazy description to be added sometime later!

Recipe Requests

For internal use only, merchants hawking their wares need not apply. Entries should be removed after two weeks, or whenever a recipe is delivered.

Asva: Polaris(25.07), Argent Peacemaker(25.07)

Cirnothebaka: Scary Skelly Mask(26.07), Sinister Skelly Mask(12.Never), Dread Skelly Mask(26.07)(Question: Are we allowed to put small icons of the recipe we want?(E.G. If we request a... err... Magnus Recipe, we put a Magnus icon?) And if we are, how big is the maximum size? Also, are we allowed to put questions here whenever nessessary?)

Eclary: Ash tail cap(25.07), Wise owlite shield(25.07)

FrostytheRipper: Magnus(25.07)

Furandoru: Needleshot(26.07), Kilowatt pulsar(Found)V*

Iegitblah: Nameless hat(25.07)

Keita-Kuhn: Avenger(26.07)

Shameimaru: Deadshot mantle(25.07) Valkyrie Helm(25.07)

Sick: Deadshot mantle(25.07)

Vermillionshadow: Barbarous thorn shield(25.07), Deadshot chapeau(25.07)

Yilette: Polaris(26.07)

V* Recepie collected, see VermilionShadow to pick it up


If you have suggestions with the guild page or anything like that, go ahead and put it here! And eye hope eye'm allowed to do this. *gulp* You don't know who wrote this btw <.< >.>

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