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Revision as of 19:58, 11 September 2011 by Gammeru (Talk | contribs)

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My name is Enshadu.
Scarlet Gensokyo is my current guild.

Active Equipment

Equipment-Mad Bomber Mask icon.png Mad Bomber Mask ★★★★★ Unique variant icon.png Shock: Medium
Equipment-Mad Bomber Suit icon.png Mad Bomber Suit ★★★★★
Equipment-Omega Shell icon.png Omega Shell ★★★★★ Unique variant icon.png Piercing: Low
Equipment-Elite Boom Module icon.png Elite Boom Module ★★★★★

Equipment-Dark Briar Barrage icon.png Dark Briar Barrage ★★★★★
Equipment-Radiant Sun Shards icon.png Radiant Sun Shards ★★★★☆
Equipment-Irontech Destroyer icon.png Irontech Destroyer ★★★★★ Unique variant icon.png Construct: Low
Equipment-Voltaic Tempest icon.png Voltaic Tempest ★★★★★

Status bombs do not stack. If different kinds are set down at once in the same location, they will constantly attempt to override each other. This only occurs if the rings overlap and can be averted by staggering deployment, either through timing or location.

This game

I can't right-click hard enough

There's no end in sight

You all worry me sometimes

I work alone


Enshadu will find your goddamn recipes


I have a number of recipes in my possession. Sometimes I buy a few in anticipation that someone may need it in the future. Others I buy simply because I'm curious and I may or may not use them. You can separate them from me by paying vendor price or by some other deal. Contact me.

Recipes up for grabs:
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Crown of the Fallen
Furious Flamberge
Grey Owlite Shield
Ironmight Plate Mail
Magma Driver
Nameless Hat
Volcanic Plate Helm
Dark Thorn Shield
Fiery Atomizer
Heavy Plate Mail
Prisma Driver
Sunset Stetson
Volatile Catalyzer
Twisted Targe

Other Things

I changed most of the music in this game. Here's my music folder.
This is being updated.

Here's a list of the music I changed.

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