Dum Spiro Spero (Guild)

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Dum Spiro Spero
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While I breathe, I hope.

Guild Founder: Shadowbeneath
Approx. Population: 40
Guild Master(s):
  • Angelicchaos
  • Ferventgrowth
  • Shadowbeneath

About Us: The Short, Short Version

Dum Spiro Spero is a tight-knit, low-drama, semi-casual guild that makes regular Tier 2 and Tier 3 guild runs. Our core members are typically over-21, experienced, patient, friendly, and chatty. Mutually supportive gaming is more important to Dum Spiro Spero members than a competitive, win-at-any-cost attitude.

How To Join

Dum Spiro Spero is open to any player who expresses an interest.

To join, send an in-game mail (or /tell) to Ferventgrowth, Mop-Man, Moses-Tk, or Zwirl.


  • Recruit: Any Spiral knights player is welcome to join our guild as a Recruit.
  • Member: Any recruit who is deemed to be of good character will be promoted to Member.
  • Veteran: Members who have gained access to Tier Three in-game and who have been with us for at least four weeks will be promoted to Veteran.
  • Officer: Veterans who are active (regulars) and who have proven themselves to be in alignment with our values will be promoted to Officer.

Guidelines, A.K.A. Common Sense Rules for Survival in Spiral Knights Society

  • Be kind and respectful of all players.
  • Don't take this game too seriously.
  • No begging.
  • Tab your guildmates if they need it.
  • Repay your guildmates if they tab you.
  • Allow your guildmates to purchase small quantities of CE from you at market price.
  • Have fun, and use your head!
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