Dragonwing Clan (Guild)

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Revision as of 10:35, 13 November 2011 by Loredarkclaw (Talk | contribs)

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Dragonwing Clan
GuildLogo-Dragonwing Clan.png

Flying Free

Guild Founder: Loredarkclaw
Approx. Population: 10

Guild Officer(s):
  • Homelesstew
  • Julyxx

The Dragonwing Clan

With roots running deep throughout history, the Dragonwing Clan is comprised of like-minded people whom work together to help others navigate and traverse the Clockworks, along with upgrading their equipment and helping them when in need.

The Scrolls

Coming Soon

Recruitment & The Rite of Initiation

Clan Laws

Coming Soon

Clan Ranks

Clan Herald

Coming Soon

Personal tools