Luminous (Guild)

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Revision as of 01:32, 1 December 2011 by Ojlister (Talk | contribs)

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Let your Light Shine Bright as we Fight the Fight

Guild Founder: Ojlister
Approx. Population: 19

Guild Officer(s):
  • Yeepyjeepyjr

Guild Summary

What were about

  • Killing Vanaduke- Because he thinks he's/she's boss.
  • Killing Jelly King- So we can munch on him afterwards.
  • Killing Snarbolax- Because he snarls too much.
  • KIlling Everything- Because it makes you money. Everybody likes money.  :P

Guild Members

  • Status:Recruiting
  • Population: 19/100


  • Officer and GMs: You must be trusted, and be able to easily recruit members.
  • Veterans: 5* Gear
  • Members: 24hrs in the Guild.


How to Join

To join the guild, send a mail in-game to myself (Ojlister). This mail should include the questionare below. This guild is a guild for skilled players, so only people with Teir 3 clearance can join.


  • 1. What is your Strongest Loadout?
  • 2. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights for?
  • 3. What is your in-game time?
  • 4. Whats you active status? (How much do you play each day, if you don't play each how much do you play in a week)

Screen Shots and Fan-fare

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