Luminous (Guild)

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Let your Light Shine Bright as we Fight the Fight

Guild Founder: Ojlister
Approx. Population: 19

Guild Officer(s):
  • Yeepyjeepyjr
  • Eserel

Guild Summary

  • Luminous is a guild of skilled T3 players that are friendly, and generous. Knights that have met these requirements will then be accepted into the guild.
  • Luminous is a strong lockdown guild, we have members that are currently in the top ten on the leader boards, and in guild lockdown we are hoping to reach the top ten by January next year.
  • In Luminous ranks are easy to come by, you can see the ranking system below in Guild Members. Also we proud ourselves in create fun and long-lasting conversations which are generally about what things we should do at that moment, for example what run, or PVP we should do.
  • Luminous also does Shadow Lairs, the next lair we are going to is in January. Can't wait to get my Mercurial Demo armour. To become, the ELITE BOMBER!
  • Another thing that we love to do in our Guild is to hold trivia. Everybody contributes 10ce and me and an officer contributes 200ce. Then we host a trivia, on general spiral knights things, like Vanaduke. You can win prizes of crystal energy if you do win.

What were about

  • Killing Vanaduke- Because he thinks he's/she's boss.
  • Killing Jelly King- So we can munch on him afterwards.
  • Killing Snarbolax- Because he snarls too much.
  • KIlling Everything- Because it makes you money. Everybody likes money.  :P

Guild Members

  • Status: Recruiting
  • Population: 19/100


  • Officer and GMs: You must be trusted, and be able to easily recruit members.
  • Veterans: 5* Gear
  • Members: 24hrs in the Guild.



  • Ojlister

  • Yeepyjeepyjr

How to Join

To join the guild, send a mail in-game to myself (Ojlister). This mail should include the questionare below. This guild is a guild for skilled players, so only people with Teir 3 clearance can join.


  • 1. What is your Strongest Loadout?
  • 2. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights for?
  • 3. What's your favourite thing to do? E.g. a Hobby.

Screen Shots and Fan-fare

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