
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 14:33, 18 January 2012 by Echoez (Talk | contribs)

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Steam: Steam
Joined: Steam Release
Guild: Gunslinger Priests
Play Style: Bomber
Lockdown Class: Striker

About Me

Yo individuals wasting their time reading this pointless lot of text, I am the great, magnificent and totally not in anyway egotistical Echoez, and this humble, modest and anything but ego-stroking page is my little corner of the wiki. I got into Spiral Knights during the Steam release of the game along with some friends, but after they moved on from the game I eneded up joining a guild, collected quite an assortment of stuff and invested far too much time into the game. Of course then following the Shadow Lairs I quit on the 24th of October 2011, only to return just over a month later due to the sudden reappearance of an old guild member who vanished way back in August. Needless to say I'm nowhere near as invested in the game now, I certainly don't play as much and mainly hang around to talk to guildies but I'm since I'm here I may as well write something worth reading.



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