Grundel Warriors (Guild)

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Revision as of 10:10, 23 January 2012 by Spod (Talk | contribs)

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Grundel Warriors
GuildLogo-Grundel Warriors.png

"Wash your grundel"

Guild Founder: FounderName
Approx. Population: 35

What we do

- FSC Runs and oddball challenges - Successfully completed runs to date: Only keyboard, all bombs, Proto armor/shield

- Random Lockdown and GVG matches

- Shadow Lair runs

- Any and all bosses

Recruitment Info

Currently looking for skilled, mature, active playersg with 5 star gear!

The Crew

Guild Masters

  • Mditchman
  • Opod
  • Snrub


  • Brianng
  • Califia
  • Everblunt
  • Ithh
  • Logibear
  • Sir-Pulse
  • Quacked
  • Xecx

Page Notes

-Xecx, for creating & updating this page and logo!

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