User:Aecarus/Aether (Guild)

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We Shall Not Fall

Guild Founder: Aecarus
Approx. Population:  ?

Aether was previously known as Wing, a guild originally founded during the Final Preview Event of Spiral Knights, and recreated within the first few minutes of the Spiral Knight Early Access Weekend.


Aether is dedicated to forming a clean, friendly, and overall moral community within Spiral Knights. Thus, it has a strict background, and heavily reinforces the game's Terms of Service and general rules, as well as a deeper moral conduct.


Aether is currently not a recruiting guild.


There is an official forum thread for Aether, which may be replaced by a guild site sometime in the future.


  • Aether was (re-)created on the 11th day of the 11th month of the (two-thousand) 11th year, upon the 11th minute of the 11th hour, on Haven instance number 11.
  • The official Aether meeting place is the Haven 11 Garden, near the Gun Puppy statue, also known as Monomi.
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