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About Xiflex

Umm... There's not much to say... I guess you can say that i'm a "Wolver" Knight. Basically a Knight with the Wolver series. Currently, i have a Ash Tail set and i'm preparing to upgrade to a Vog Cub set for countless runs of FSC. I usually like having a heavy sword around with me, that's why i pick the Divine Avenger. A ranged weapon for FSC is most likely going to be either a Blitz Needle or a Argent Peacemaker.

The types of swords i would use is a Elemental Sword and a Piercing Sword. The reason why i don't bring a Shadow weapon is because i have a bad experience with Undead and Fiends. That's why i choose to have strong damage against those types of monsters. It also includes strong damage against Beasts and Constructs, with Neutral damage against Slimes and Gremlins. I like to be a Knight which as weapons and gear that fit nearly every situation. Sometimes that's not actually possible.

Current Loadout




Type of Swords

Swords are the main weapons chosen by the Knights. There are swords which deal Normal, Elemental, Piercing and Shadow damage. Sometimes a combination of Damages.

Types of Shields

Shields are one of the most important gear that a Knight needs. There are only three shields with abilities and only two of them are actually useful...

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