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About Xiflex

Umm... There's not much to say... I guess you can say that i'm a "Wolver" Knight. Basically a Knight with the Wolver series. Currently, i have a Ash Tail set and i'm preparing to upgrade to a Vog Cub set for countless runs of FSC. I usually like having a heavy sword around with me, that's why i pick the Divine Avenger. A ranged weapon for FSC is most likely going to be either a Blitz Needle or a Argent Peacemaker.

The types of swords i would use is a Elemental Sword and a Piercing Sword. The reason why i don't bring a Shadow weapon is because i have a bad experience with Undead and Fiends. That's why i choose to have strong damage against those types of monsters. It also includes strong damage against Beasts and Constructs, with Neutral damage against Slimes and Gremlins. I like to be a Knight which has weapons and gear that fit nearly every situation. Sometimes that's not actually possible. But most of the times when I have a choice to have a all-rounder set, it is probably better to have a full set, than a mixed one. Divine Veil and Skolver Coat is not a bad for a all-rounder set.

Current Loadout




End-Game Arsenal

Type of Swords

Swords are the main weapons chosen by the Knights. There are swords which deal Normal, Elemental, Piercing and Shadow damage. Sometimes a combination of Damages.

Types of Shields

Shields are one of the most important gear that a Knight needs. There are only three shields with abilities and only two of them are actually useful...

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