
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 20:26, 18 May 2012 by DieGremlins (Talk | contribs)

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The look of this page seems... not very appealing, In my opinion of course. Would it looks better if it was all put into a table like monsters are? --Cobalt 05:09, 22 July 2011 (UTC)

I don't know how to add this but we should put Shemer Razwog here as the rescue camp boss.

I tried, anonymous person above, but my table sort of messed up. --DieGremlins Unknown Time, 13th May 2012

YES! I just managed to add Razwog's table into the Tier 1 section. --DieGremlins Unknown Time, 13th May 2012

Moves Razwog to his own section. --DieGremlins Unknown Time, 13th May 2012

Should we include Arkus in here? He is technically a boss, as you can't find him anywhere else but in the mission. Plus, he's got cutscenes. Also, he doesn't fit the Trojans section. --SRGS

I have no idea for sure, mainly because I haven't ventured into Tier 3. --DieGremlins Unknown Time, 18th May 2012

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