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ja-1 この利用者は簡単日本語を話します。
Country: United Kingdom
Aliases/Nicknames: Takendown, Taken, Takenslinger, Yakendown, Tak-Tak
Joined: 06/14/2011
Tier clearence: Tier 3
Guild: Cradle
Guild rank: Guild Master
Lockdown class: Lockdown class.png
Mission rank: Vanguard
Color: Lake
Eyes: 35px
Height: Tall

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Who Am I?

I'm a Tier 3 Knight who first crash-landed here on Cradle on June 14th when word got around to new recruits that Spiral Knights had come to Steam offering a Spiral Sallet hat for Team Fortress 2. Of course, I took up on this offer but then simply became hooked to my surroundings on Cradle.

Okay, away from the in-game lore I simply started playing Spiral Knights, an amazing game created by Three Rings, not only to receive the Spiral Sallet, but simply because I was attraced to the launch trailer I watched when it arrived on the Steam Platform. Out of honesty, Spiral Knights still remains to be the best MMO game I've played out of all the others. It simply is... Different in a sense. No other compares to it. You won't find something as unique as Spiral Knights is.

What also makes Spiral Knights a great game is that it comes coupled with in-game History and facts people didn't know about Spiral Knights (in-game lore) which I seem to know a lot about due to research into Three Rings, Spiral Knights History and what actually caused the Skylark to crash. Of course, this research is done out of interest and I'll be more than happy to explain things you want to know about Spiral Knights (I do so with members of the guild Cradle since I feel it is right they know something about why my guild is called Cradle, and what Cradle holds.

If you see me in-game, don't be shy to say hello. I like meeting new Knights.

Takendown: Starting Out As A Young Knight

Yes, we were all there once. Even me. I remember starting out in Spiral Knights, crossing the chasm heading towards Haven. We all remember that day. But, obviously, I didn't start out wearing Skolver... Or Nameless... Or the Almirian Crusader you all probably see me wearing today. No, I started out just like any other knight, wearing the birthday suit that is known as the Spiral Sallet and Spiral Culet. Scrolling through my library of Spiral Knights Screenshots, I was able to dig up the earliest screenshot of me. Weren't I cute?


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