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Icon 55x55px
Damage Resistances
Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
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Kats are a type of monster found in the Clockworks.


General cuteness until spotting a living creature. Things turn ugly afterward.

Kats become progressively more scarred as knights delve deeper into the Clockworks. Starting at Tier 2, they can spit projectiles.

In tiers 1 and 2, they emit a cat-like scream as they die; however, in tier 3, this scream much deeper and scarier to match their scarier appearance.







Notable Kats



There are a few ways you can manage these monsters:

  • Wait for an opening after they charge forward, turn and attack.
  • Relentlessly strike them into a wall or corner and take them out quickly.
  • Run towards the Kat if it quickly flies in your direction. This is a signal that Kats will bite you.
  • Back away about 6-8 tiles and leave a bomb for when they charge.

The "cooldown" between attacks gets shorter and shorter the deeper you go, so short-ranged strategies become slightly less effective, while traps (such as leaving a bomb for them to fly through) become slightly better since they move around more.

See also

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