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| Type = PNG
| name = Knights Frontier
| motto = Knights of the kingdom
| founder = Benightz
| masters = Benightz
| officers =
| pop = 13
Welcome to Knights Frontier. We are a very friendly guild that has very mature people. We do not have any trolls, and everybody's behavior is acceptable. We are with a guild called "Pwnage". We agreed to become partners. Now that Pwnage and Knights Frontier are partners, our big population is about 50 or 60.
'''How to join'''
You must fill out the application here.
You don't have to do the application, but you can meet Benightz for an interview. If hes not online, fill in the application by mail and send it to him. Benightz will scedule a meeting or interview. If your not sure if hes online, test it by doing via /tell and tell him you want to join. Here are the questions you must fill.
{{Showhide|Application to join|content=
*What is your knight's name?
*When did you join?
*Were you in any guild before?
*Have you recieved your 2 star certification and became a soldier?
*What type of knight are you? Risky? Brave?
*Are you 15+ ?
*What rank are you currently at? Near 8-2 missions?
*Did you ever win in Lockdown?
*How good were you?
*What tier do you play in?
*What is your current armour, weapons, helm and shield?
*Have you ever gone to the Shadow Lair?
*Is there any boss mission where you didn't have to revive? Did you ever do solo against a boss?
*Did you ever bid or sell an item at the Auction house?
*Are you able to avoid using words like "Y", "U r gonna", "why nut" or any of the words like those?
*Tell us a little about yourself. Favorite talent, meal, challenge, etc!
*How often do you play?
*What timezone are you in?
*What types would you perfer to use against bosses and monsters?
*Do you agree to follow our terms of the rules?
You have to be at the correct age. Just like Spiral Knights, this guild must have 15+ that would be mature. As your 15+, you will have lots of maturity.
'''Current Registery'''
'''There will always be 1 Guild Master and Recruits will automatically be promoted to Member.'''
'''Weapons/Armour required to join'''
NOTE: If you have weapons stronger than the weapons listed below, you can still join. These are just weapons that are recommended. Stronger ones are accepted too!
{{Showhide|Recommended weapons table|content=
*Shockburst/fireburst/iceburst brandishes
*Nightblade/Silent Nightblade
*Flourish/Swift Flourish
*Snarble Barb/Twisted Snarble barb
*Sealed Sword
*Voltech/firotech/cryotech/Shadowtech/prismatech Alchemers
*Owlite/Horned Owlite/Wise Owlite/Grey Owlite
*Skelly Shield
*Plate Shield
*Jelly Shield
*Cobalt set
*Gunslinger set
*Jelly Mail set
*Magic Cloak set
*Skelly set
*Wolver (Big recommendation)
*Blast Bomb
*Fiery Vaporizer
*Freezing Vaporizer
*Static Capacitor
*Sun Shards
*Crystal Bomb
*Spine Cone
*Wolver Series
*Spine series
*Jelly Series
*Gunslinger Series
*Hoodie Series
*Hall of Heroes Knight's Series
'''We have no uniform for our guild, so please feel free to wear any clothing. (Except 0 and 1 star costumes because it causes a bad reputation making our guild look bad.)'''
Our guild is about doing lots of Spiral knight's activites like Lockdown, helping knights, etc. We also need a full respectful guild. Bad respect will cause bad reputation to our guild. You have to follow these rules at all times.
'''1) Don't give up''' - Always keep trying. Don't be scared to revive the first time or don't be scared in dying. Be a brave knight who will always try!
'''2) Don't be offensive''' - We DO NOT ACCEPT TROLLS or any offensive people at all. This causes a bad reputation and you will be kicked out of the guild.
'''3) Don't beg''' - If you beg, you will annoy the users in the guild. If you really want something, tell us and we will think about it. It all depends on the details you give us.
'''4) Inactive status''' - We will send a warning via mail to inactive users who do not come in 2 weeks. If you tell us a valid reason, we will let you do what needs to be done, but not too often. School will be a big acception as everybody will have school. Even I will.
'''5) Don't scam''' - Do not think of scamming all of your guildmates just by saying like "Hey, I need crowns/CE to continue doing the gate run. If you give me CE/Crowns, I will give you the Ash set for you. I will get like 20k so please give me the stuff". Nope, just no. If you try scamming even if you ask people to lend you some crowns/CE, that is still scamming. If you scam, you will be complained, and kicked out permanenetly.
'''How to earn Ranks'''
Press "Show" On any ranks you would like to see and how to earn it
This rank is for new players joining us. You will be promoted to member and this rank is what you start with.
*You will automatically be promoted to member after joining Knights Frontier
This rank is very rare to earn. Do a test run with a officer/Guild Master and one of them will evaluate your skill. You will be evalated on:
If the person evaluating you has died twice, he/she will not rev again and you will fail the test. One Hint I can give you is you should defend the officer. You can always retry. And note if one of the officers die on purpose, you will be Demoted to member.
This is a hard rank to earn. We don't want too many officers. Depending on how much people are in the guild, we will make a few amount of officers. To earn this rank, you must:
*Be T2/T3 mixed or more
*Be a good Lockdown Player
*Be in the guild for at least a month or so
*Do either 1 T3 test run or 2 T2 test runs without having to revive. Do the test runs 5 times with a officer or guild master
*Don't break a rule
{{Showhide|Guild Master|content=
This rank will never be possible to earn. Very sorry.
'''History of Knights Frontier'''
{{showhide|кηιgнтѕ ƒяσηтιєя'ѕ нιѕтσяу|content=
{{showhide|Chapter 1: A new beginning|content=
It all started out as one knight. A knight named Benightz who was a wolver that time, was always looking through the skies. He was a knight, who wanted a new frontier for knights. It was so he can accomplish every knight's dreams and goals. As for him, he wanted to form a new guild that would be able to help knights accomplish their goal. So he looked up to the skies and said to himself "I will try to accomplish any knight's goals. Even mine." Then a few days later, he was in a lockdown match. He saw how much players were able to accomplish their goals. I thinked "They all have their only goals". Then another few days later, I did a mission to help myself complete my goal, and that goal was to become stronger. So I searched for my dream handgun "Pulsar". As I got everything, I presented it to the Hall of Heroes and said I can proceed. As I got stronger, I also got alot of CE. So what I did was to create the guild I was always willing to make. "Knight's Frontier". As I made it, nice knights were willing to come in. And so it grew and grew.
{{showhide|Chapter 2: No knight stands in our way|content=
New knights were coming in Knights frontier. Most of them were wolvers, duskers, all kinds of knights. It didn't matther whenever your a knight or not, nobody stands in our way. Even if people insult us, nobody stands in our way to get it closed. We knights do what we can. We try our best and we don't give up. It was a great day to release Knights frontier. Then, 2 members from "Pwnage" were offering to do a Jelly King run. One knight was at first nice, and then became rude and insulted us. But that didn't let me stop them. I just ignore and kick them out. I always would kick em out. I friended a member from Pwnage. Before all of this happened, Pwnage and Knights frontier became partners. We agreed to be together and work together. Nothing stands in our way. Any insult is nothing.
To be continued...

Latest revision as of 18:59, 28 July 2016

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