User:Hortumalx/Starting as a Swordmaster

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Hello everyone! This unlikely-to-be-read guide will explain in detail how to start as a swords user and continue on this path until you become a vanguard.

Starting Out (0-1 stars)

You just crash landed! Starting out as a swords user is easy because completing missions gives you free swords as rewards. When you start, you will likely be wearing one of two different armors: Fencing Jacket and Vitasuit. While the sword damage bonus is tempting, only wear it if you die a lot-the heath bonus of the Vitasuit can be a life saver if you happen to die a lot in Teir 1.

Becoming a Wolver (2 stars)

Eventually, you will have amassed enough crowns to start considering crafting your own gear. The armor of choice for swordsmasters is Wolver, as it gives a nifty damage bonus to swords. You have two choices for it: buying at the Auction House, or crafting yourself. This depends on what you plan to do later on. If you try to get all of the endgame sword armor, then you will need to craft 3 Wolver Coats and 3 Wolver Caps. However, many wolver items are in the Auction House for a lower price than the recipe, meaning that if you intend to craft only 1 set of wolver gear, buy it from the Auction House. Otherwise, I would suggest getting the recipe. Remember that you should NEVER buy a Wolver item at the auction house for more than 1249 crowns.

Choosing Your Arsenal (2 stars)

Armor is an easy choice for a swordsmaster, but what about weapons? If you intend to go pure swordsman, you will want 2 SPECIALIZED DAMAGE weapons-ie piercing, elemental, and shadow. Eventually, you will want to expand your arsenal, but focus for now on 2 weapons so that you can advance more quickly. Refer to Bopp's Sword Guide or the Swordmaster Guide for choosing weapons-and ONLY CHOOSE WEAPONS THAT GO TO 5 STARS!!!! As with the Wolver gear, be sure to check the Auction House to see if you can get a deal of at most 1249 crowns.

The Swordmaster's Shield (2 stars)

You cannot get Teir 2 access unless you have at least 1 shield of 2 stars or higher. The shield made for swordies is the Bristling Buckler-this is a reward item from Brinks that costs 10 Frumious Fangs (gained from defeating the Snarbolax). It is suggested to get this shield first-shields are in a way more important than armor, as (by Teir 3) they will be taking the brunt of damage directed at you. However, you will only want an alternative shield by Teir 3 anyway, as the best crown source in Teir 2 has piercing damage monsters.

Teir 2 Terrors (2 stars)

Congratulations on making it to Teir 2! This will be the first teir in which enemy damage starts to scale up significantly. You will find that it takes perhaps 3x fewer hits to die now. Do the missions until you get to the Royal Jelly. While doing missions, buy a Dusker Coat and Dusker Cap recipe from the Hall of Heroes, and craft them. Note that you will need CE for this, so buy 100 ce from the market, wait for your mist to reach 100, and craft the item. Next, it is suggested to upgrade your elemental or shadow damage sword to 3 stars. The 3 star version of the Bristling Buckler is tricky to get due to it being only found in the Arcade, but you can buy it for a terribly expensive price at the Auction House if you are impatient.

The Crownfarm (3 stars)

The Royal Jelly mission is the best crownfarm in Teir 2. Unless you want tokens to get the special items from Brinks, it is more profitable to simply run the first 2 floors 5 times each day, assuming you don't die. This can net you about 11k crowns for each 100 mist you spend. Upgrade all of your gear to 3 stars, then upgrade your gear to 4 stars. Do the rest of the missions until the next Hall of Heroes checkpoint. This time, you have to by 300 ce (2 days of grinding JK) to upgrade your gear. It should take you a few weeks of constant playing to meet the prerequisites for Teir 3 clearance. Once you have it, upgrade that last 3 star sword to 4 stars, then start at the Teir 3 missions.

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