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A ban is a disciplinary action by a Game Master when a player is found to have broken one or more rules laid out in the Terms of Service. It results in a player's account not being able to log on to Spiral Knights.

Types of Bans

There are two kinds of bans: temporary and permanent. The Game Masters decide which kind to issue depending on the magnitude of the rules violation, whether the player has been issued a warning before, and whether the player is a repeat offender. When a banned player attempts to log in to Spiral Knights, they receive a message box explaining that they are banned, and the reason for it.

Temporary Bans

The popup a player sees when logging in if they have received a temp ban.

If you were temporarily banned, you will need to wait out the time shown on the login screen. This is a temporary suspension meant as a warning to prevent you from repeating those or any other violations of our Terms of Service. We will not change the time on temporary bans.

Permanent Bans

The message a player sees when logging in if they have received a permanent ban.

If your account was permanently banned, you will be told you are no longer allowed to log into any Spiral Knights accounts. We will warn and temporarily suspend for violations of our Terms of Service, but if violations continue or your initial action was severe enough, your account may be banned permanently. Permanently is exactly as it sounds, permanent. We will not be unbanning accounts banned permanently.

Activities that can Result in a Ban

Any behavior that violates the Terms of Service can result in a banned account, and Spiral Knights' player community actively reports such violations. Some examples include, but are not limited to:


Harassment can be defined as repeated actions that target an individual or group for the purpose of bringing about feelings of discomfort or distress.

Harassment is not allowed and may result in an account being banned from Spiral Knights.

Foul and Abusive Language

Using vulgar, obscene, or offensive language is against the rules. This includes racial, sexual, or religious slurs or other deliberately offensive remarks directed at another player or group of players.

While there is a chat filter present in the game, this does not excuse offensive language or behavior. Misspelling or mis-spacing words to get around the filter will be treated as swearing and dealt with accordingly.

Foul language used outside the chat, for example in knight and guild names, is likewise not acceptable.


The chat client and discussion forums exist so that players may communicate with each other. Spamming is repeatedly sending letters, messages, or nonsense, in a way that makes it difficult for other players to communicate. Spamming inconveniences other players and is considered bad behavior.

See Also

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