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Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
Defense increased.png Defense none.png Defense decreased.png

Gremlin Mortafires are a type of monster found in the Clockworks.


Gremlin Mortafires carry large, Gun Puppy-shaped mortars to unleash rockets on unsuspecting Knights. Mortafire rockets do not fly in a straight path, instead they are fired upward and land on the explosion radius that appears on the ground. This also means that they do not have to be on the same height as a knight or have a direct line of sight to hit them, since the rockets will fly over walls and chasms.

They walk a bit slower than other Gremlins, but tend to move erratically and will only stop to aim at their target. It is impossible to attack them head on due to the shield they carry, so they must be attacked from behind or by freezing them in place. When attacked or inflicted with a status, Mortafires may drop their mortar and shield, rendering them completely defenseless, though they will seek out any nearby dropped mortars and shields. Any dropped mortars and shields can be picked up and/or thrown a short distance away to prevent the Mortafire regaining its shield and attacking abilities.


Gremlin Mortafire

Blazing Mortafire

Toxic Mortafire


Mortafires will always try to face you to stop you from making front-on attacks. Get them to attack you, then run around to their back where they are defenseless. Being inflicted with a status will cause them to drop their mortar and shield, Haze Bombs and its counterparts seem to be the best tool to do this.


  • The shield that Mortafires carry is very similar to the Plate Shield.

See Also

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