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About Me

My ingame name is Kennys-Knight. I started playing spiral knights during October of 2010 after my friend, Exegunso, invited me via e-mail! Me and a few of my other friends started playing with me. We were eventually able to take down all of tier 3 and Vanaduke in 2 star gear. Now I am an Officer of Knightmare along with my irl friends Chris, Emily, Exegunso, and Herpees. I am one of the richest and most skilled players in the game.

History behind my name: Exegunso invited me to preview. His name is Kenny. He is gay. So I named my Knight "Kennysgay" to represent who invited me. Unfortunately, Three Rings found the name and being gay offensive and changed it to "Kennys-Knight."

vv---Check out my Arsenal below---vv




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