Dark Harvest Festival/Data
From SpiralKnights
Many players have requested this data (in some form or other). So, here is a place for data collection, rudimentary and hopefully as encompassing as needed. We will likely publish results in a more simplified/summarized manner in the Farming Tips section of the event page, and/or link to this data.
Remember to copy/paste your data before saving, just in case someone else has made an entry and causes an edit conflict. Our wiki isn't as flexible as other group project mediums such as google docs. Please enter data into the correct section, and only if you know it is 100% accurate.Please specify location. For example, don't say "arcade" or "clockwork tunnels." Wasteworks: Haunted Passage (code example: {{location|Wasteworks|Haunted Passage}}) is much more informative.
Data is largely collected from solo runs, but not all entries are solo runs. We may do a study to determine the effect(s) of the number of players in the squad, as well as their ranks, as well as the time spent in each area. These are factors that likely are not influential, based on what we know about drop behavior in the game. Data may indicate an unusual pattern, if it does, we will consider doing another study incorporating these factors.
Candy Tokens
Record data for tokens dropped by the Punkin King on that page, from any location (arcade or prestige).
Each row represents one PK encounter.
{{CandyData |rank = |location = |difficulty = |depth = |phrase = |defeated = |total = |hard = |sour = |sweet = |contributor = }}
Brittle Candy Data
Record data for tokens dropped by a Grim Gourdling on that page, from any location (arcade, rank mission, or prestige).
Each row represents one defeated Grim Gourdling.
{{BrittleCandyData |rank = |location = |difficulty = |depth = |drop = |contributor = }}
Grim Gourdling Spawn
Record data for the spawn of Grim Gourdlings on that page, from any location (arcade, rank mission, or prestige). Please investigate every accessible grave mound in the level.
Each row represents one area with a total number of Grim Gourdling spawns (from Grim Scarabs of course).
{{GrimGourdlingData |rank = |location = |difficulty = |depth = |spawn = |tokens = |contributor = }}
The Dark Harvest Prestige Floor Data
Record data for the first combat floor of Event Mission: The Dark Harvest on that page.
Pending other potential data, such as the odds of a PK lair showing up in a relevant generated arcade floor.