Recipe Storage
Recipes are in Officer storage, so contact any officer to get what you need. Prices are here. Money will go to Guild Treasury.
Please, don't take a recipe just to resell it
Recipe List (last updated Jan 17, 2016) [show]
- Pierce Blaster
- Shadow Blaster
- Twisted Spine Cone
- Scarlet Shield
Guild List
An easy-to-parse list of all of the guildies, concurrent Dec. 8, 2012.
- Apsuenbwyfer
- Bigmacintosh
- Blackwater
- Blaze-Alchemist
- Blitzhawk
- Blitzwingoo
- Cacotor
- Cyclooctatetraene
- Darth-Derpy-Hooves
- Equals
- Fennie
- Fleetadmiralbrony
- Gemslime
- Growlithepuppy
- Isaak-Johnson
- Juno
- Lunamon
- Lyze
- Mad-Muffin
- Martysnaklo
- Mr-Awsomesauce
- Mustelid
- Pinkiedianepie
- Princesluna
- Ptmcknight
- Quandasim
- Red-Zx
- Silphius
- Syluxaero
- Tripleaxeazure
- Twsp
- Ultimablademaster
- Unveil
- Vermilion
- Viewtifulroy
- Voidknight
- Xlyk
- Zachlouis
- Zettalux
- Zipfile
- Antheryl
- Aramaru
- Bobrue
- Chasehassen
- Demon-Prince
- Dustytuft
- Gaia-Gundamo
- Hunterxgunner
- Ikasama
- Liquid-Sorrow
- Lord-Pudding
- Mc-Colt
- Mesuzuko-Rx
- Miyosaki
- Music-Pony
- Mvp-Glorious
- Rayquaza-The-Ninja
- Remain-Calm
- Rvance
- Skyscar
- Toaster-Repairpony
- Ultimapwner
- Voltrion-Yuri-VII
- Cut by cut, fighting off a slag guard,
- Low on health - swallowing capsules pill by pill.
- Making sure the fire stays off me,
- Charging up my swings, oh such a thrill!
- Always gotta keep in mind my timing,
- Making sure my sword is bright and shining,
- I'm kiting, in F-S-C!
- -
- Head to toe, covered in jelly,
- Bomb or blade, don't you know your guild's on a crusade?
- Sporting up the Gran Faust's shadow damage,
- With a decent chance for a curse rampage,
- Gotta lock the party, Valkryie logged on,
- Even though I have a spot that's not gone,
- I'm taking on, the Jelly Palace!
- -
- Fighting is easy; for Snarbolax, something sharp,
- Vanaduke, something icey,
- Vog Cub Coat and Cap - do you think I'm too flashy?
- -
- Weak to pierce - perhaps a Flourish?
- Glowing eyes, why won't you just ever die?!
- Gotta find the keys for the two doors,
- Leaving wolver corpses on the floor,
- Even though my coat has U-V piercing,
- Doesn't keep their razer teeth from gnashing,
- I'm fighting, the Gloaming Wildwoods!
- -
- Limb by limb, hack by hack,
- Shield goes up, still intact,
- Shot by shot, aiming stilled,
- Sword and gun: a good build.
- And that's the art of the Guild!
- Twilight Sparkle: Now, the stars on my sword need to be technically accurate. Blizzbrand has a four star rating, not three.
- -
- Alch by alch, crafting items better,
- Deadline looms, don't you know the order, you can't shun?
- Even if the energy is costly,
- Got to get them all done by next run.
- Pinkie Pie, the barrel can't be too small,
- Wait until the bullets jam the gun.
- I'm welding them together!
- -
- Pinkie Pie: Don'tcha think my helm would be more me with some particles?
- Rarity: Well, I think...
- Pinkie Pie: Some horns?
- Rarity: Well -
- Pinkie Pie: DO IT!
- -
- Hour by hour, farm the stage!
- I got a Tri-Heart Pendant; make Valk rage.
- Fluttershy, your helm is unaligned,
- Rainbow Dash, armor's too inclined,
- Oh my gosh, this sword is too maligned!
- Don't forget, Applejack's bomb must grind!
- -
- Alchemy is easy, every guild member's call,
- Spending too much energy,
- Have to pick up the pace, Quicksilver is speedy.
- -
- Twilight Sparkle: That shield is Wise Owlite, not Grey Owlite.
- Fluttershy: Divine Avenger, please.
- Rarity: Ugh...
- Pinkie Pie: More shadow damage! Oh no, that's too much shadow damage. More CTR! Oh, less CTR. Oh wait, I know... Attack speed!
- Rarity: Attack speed?
- Pinkie Pie: Whose bomb is this?
- Rarity: Attack speed it is...
- -
- Rainbow Dash: ...What?
- Rarity: Aren't you going to tell me to change something, too?
- Rainbow Dash: No, I just want my sword to be... Cool.
- Rarity: Do you not like the sharpness?
- Rainbow Dash: The sharpness is fine, just make it look cooler.
- Rarty: Do you not like the weight?
- Rainbow Dash: The weight's fine, just make the whole thing... You know, cooler. It needs to be about 20% cooler.
- -
- Pinkie Pie: All my armor needs is some more red shards.
- Rainbow Dash: All we really like is shock resist.
- Twilight Sparkle: I am out of swordstones, can you spot me?
- Fluttershy: Basil doesn't have my recipe.
- Applejack: Even if you have to sell some CE,
- Everypony: Make sure that it comes with a good UV.
- Rarity: Got to balance out all of my rations,
- Remember, it's all in the lacerations!
- -
- Gun by gun, blade by blade,
- Level 10, an upgrade,
- Bomb by bomb, fused and armed,
- Blast by blast, does mass harm,
- And that's the art of the Guild!