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NPC: Stranger
Primary Location(s):

Basil is an NPC.


Basil is a stranger wearing a beige and brown robe with a headlamp-equipped hat. He totes a large rucksack on his back. Unlike many other strangers, there aren't any snipes perched on him.


This character has been in the game since release 2011-04-04 when the game officially launched.

At some point, the color of Basil's hat was changed from grey to the current beige. This was likely changed with release 2012-01-30. He still have this hat in the clockwork's terminals in arcade.

Basil is currently the only stranger in the game to wear the Stranger Hat instead of the Stranger Cap. Quince used to wear one too, before they were removed in ???.



Clockwork Terminals

Basil appears in the Clockwork Terminals at depths 4, 13, and 23 of the Clockworks. Knights who join the party on Basil's level, or on the level just before Basil, are not allowed buy any recipes. All other knights in the party are offered the same list of 6-25 randomly chosen recipes. At depth 4, he offers 1- and 2-star recipes, including at least one of the latter. At depth 13, he offers 2*, 3*, and 4* recipes, including at least one of the latter. At depth 23, he offers 4* and 5* recipes, including at least one of the latter.

His prices are as follows:

Star Crowns Depth 4 Depth 13 Depth 23
★☆☆☆☆ 250 Yes No No
★★☆☆☆ 1,000 Yes Yes No
★★★☆☆ 4,000 No Yes No
★★★★☆ 10,000 No Yes Yes
★★★★★ 25,000 No No Yes

While many recipes are available from Hall of Heroes or other vendors, there are a number of recipes available only from Basil in Clockwork Terminals. These include recipes for items on alchemy paths originating from boss-dropped tokens and all 3-star "breaker" series recipes, such as Blazebreak Armor and Surge Breaker Shield.

 [showList of Basil-only recipes
★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Recipe-icon bomb.png Lightning Capacitor Recipe-icon bomb.png Voltaic Tempest
Recipe-icon shield.png Scarlet Shield
Recipe-icon sword.png Twisted Snarble Barb Recipe-icon sword.png Dark Thorn Blade Recipe-icon sword.png Barbarous Thorn Blade
Recipe-icon bomb.png Twisted Spine Cone Recipe-icon bomb.png Spike Shower Recipe-icon bomb.png Dark Briar Barrage
Recipe-icon shield.png Twisted Targe Recipe-icon shield.png Dark Thorn Shield Recipe-icon shield.png Barbarous Thorn Shield
Recipe-icon bomb.png Graviton Bomb
Recipe-icon handgun.png Elemental Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Fusion Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Arcana
Recipe-icon handgun.png Pierce Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Breach Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Riftlocker
Recipe-icon handgun.png Shadow Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Umbral Blaster Recipe-icon handgun.png Phantamos
Recipe-icon handgun.png Dark Chaingun Recipe-icon handgun.png Black Chaingun Recipe-icon handgun.png Grim Repeater
Recipe-icon handgun.png Tundrus Recipe-icon handgun.png Mega Tundrus Recipe-icon handgun.png Winter Grave
Recipe-icon handgun.png Silversix Recipe-icon handgun.png Argent Peacemaker
Recipe-icon handgun.png Raptor Recipe-icon handgun.png Gilded Griffin
Recipe-icon handgun.png Blackhawk Recipe-icon handgun.png Sentenza
Recipe-icon sword.png Avenger Recipe-icon sword.png Divine Avenger
Recipe-icon sword.png Faust Recipe-icon sword.png Gran Faust
Recipe-icon handgun.png Kilowatt Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Gigawatt Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Polaris
Recipe-icon handgun.png Heavy Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Radiant Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Supernova
Recipe-icon handgun.png Flaming Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Blazing Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Wildfire
Recipe-icon handgun.png Freezing Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Frozen Pulsar Recipe-icon handgun.png Permafroster
Recipe-icon handgun.png Industrial Catalyzer Recipe-icon handgun.png Volatile Catalyzer Recipe-icon handgun.png Neutralizer
Recipe-icon handgun.png Toxic Catalyzer Recipe-icon handgun.png Virulent Catalyzer Recipe-icon handgun.png Biohazard
Recipe-icon helmet.png Mercurial Helm
Recipe-icon armor.png Mercurial Mail
Recipe-icon shield.png Crest of Almire
Recipe-icon armor.png Blazebreak Armor
Recipe-icon helmet.png Blazebreak Helm
Recipe-icon shield.png Blazebreak Shield
Recipe-icon armor.png Blizzbreaker Armor
Recipe-icon helmet.png Blizzbreaker Helm
Recipe-icon shield.png Blizzbreaker Shield
Recipe-icon armor.png Surge Breaker Armor
Recipe-icon helmet.png Surge Breaker Helm
Recipe-icon shield.png Surge Breaker Shield
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Falcon Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Falcon Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Pathfinder Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Guerrilla Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Hazard Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Firefly Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Firefly Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Pathfinder Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Guerrilla Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Hazard Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Grizzly Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Grizzly Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Pathfinder Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Guerrilla Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Hazard Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Snakebite Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Snakebite Pathfinder Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Pathfinder Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Guerrilla Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Hazard Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Falcon Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Falcon Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Sentinel Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Keeper Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Wraith Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Firefly Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Firefly Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Sentinel Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Keeper Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Wraith Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Grizzly Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Grizzly Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Sentinel Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Keeper Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Wraith Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Snakebite Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Snakebite Sentinel Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Sentinel Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Keeper Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Wraith Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Falcon Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Falcon Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Shade Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Ghost Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Falcon Hex Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Firefly Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Firefly Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Shade Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Ghost Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Firefly Hex Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Grizzly Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Grizzly Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Shade Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Ghost Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Grizzly Hex Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Woven Snakebite Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Plated Snakebite Shade Armor Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Shade Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Ghost Armor
Recipe-icon armor.png Sacred Snakebite Hex Armor

Mission Lobbies

Basil also appears in mission lobbies. Before each mission, he offers a totally predictable selection of recipes relevant to that mission. These recipes are listed below.

See Also

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