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This page is a list of all the news posts on the main spiral knights page from 2015.
Thumbnail | Date and Forum | Type | Wiki | News Title & Post | |
-000139139 | 2015.01 7 January 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: GELID"[show]
The deepest cold of winter has settled on Cradle. To keep knights moving during the most extreme cold conditions, Spiral HQ has issued intimidating new gear. Blend into any frozen environment with Glacial gear and accessories. Arctic Rogue gear, and Arctic accessories. Glacial Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000140140 | 2015.02 21 January 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Rose Regalia Returns!"[show]
Legends are told about the dashing and brave Knights of the Rose. Now you can join their ranks with chapeaux and tabards in amethyst, citrine and prismatic. The Rose Regalia Returns Again Prize Box offers chapeaux and tabards to outfit you for any swashbuckling adventures. Add the new Rose Aura to your armor and you can leave a trail of roses in your footsteps! Rose Regalia Returns Again Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000141141 | 2015.03 28 January 2015
Gameplay - Event | Shroud of the Apocrea | "Explore the Grasping Plateau!"[show]
The mysterious Apocrea Harvester returns to Cradle to trap and harvest souls. This sinister being will pursue any who enter the Grasping Plateau to add to the collection. Work together with other knights to free souls and find Apocrean Sigil tokens. Visit the Obelisk of Creation to craft Obsidian weapons and the Grasping Aura. Obsidian Prize Boxes contain items from the realm of the Apocrea. Visit the Supply Depot to equip your knight in sinister helms and armors crafted from Obsidian. | |
-000142142 | 2015.04 4 February 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: CHARGE"[show]
To keep knights powered up Spiral HQ has issued Electric Prize Boxes. Knights will feel energized for long expeditions into the Clockworks with Electric helms, armors and accessories. Synergize your knight's look with Voltaic Radical Suits and Masks, and Voltaic accessoires. Electric Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000143143 | 2015.050 11 February 2015
Promotion | Forever Love Puppy Mask | "Cradle of Love!"[show]
Can you feel the love all around you? Now at the Supply Depot, Valentine's Day costumes, accessories and usables. Share your enthusiasm for Valentine’s Day with Heart eyes and the Crest of Love accessory. No loving outfit is complete without Love Auras and Forever Love Puppy Masks. These items are all unbound upon purchase, making them perfect gifts for your special someone. Don't forget the Gift Boxes! Buy empty gift boxes, wrap up your presents, and write a note for a perfect Valentine's Day! Valentine items will be available from the Supply Depot through February 17th. | |
-000144144 | 2015.050 11 February 2015
Gameplay - Mission | Rank Missions | "New Missions for Vanguard Knights!"[show]
Knights who attain the rank of Vanguard are leaders in the Spiral Order. These elite knights survived the gauntlet of the Firestorm Citadel, defeated Lord Vanaduke and reached the Core. Now, Vanguard knights are tasked with new missions to ensure the safety of all knights of the Spiral Order, and to further explore the mysteries of Cradle. | |
-000145145 | 2015.06 18 February 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Celebrate the Year of the Spiralhorn!"[show]
The Lunar New Year is upon us and to celebrate the coming year of prosperity and good luck, Spiral HQ has issued Spiralhorn Prize Boxes. These boxes include Spiralhorn Maskeraith pods, Spiralhorn accessories and festive fireworks! Now through March 3, 2015, receive Spiralhorn Maskeraiths and accessories in Spiralhorn Prize Boxes! Receive one box with each $9.95 spent in a single energy purchase. See the announcement post for the details! | |
-000146146 | 2015.07 4 March 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Verdant Blooms!"[show]
Winter begins to thaw on Cradle and signs of spring are everywhere! Flower blossoms float in the air, dust bunnies are overrunning the compounds, and the first yellow snipes are appearing in Guild Halls. Embrace spring with verdant costumes and accessories from Budding Prize Boxes! Budding Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000147147 | 2015.08 12 March 2015
Gameplay - Event |
March of the Tortodrones | "Investigate the Ancient Grove!"[show]
The Stranger announce it's time for the Long Migration! Tortodrones are again being called on a mysterious journey, and can be seen traveling through the Clockworks. The Recon Knights from the monitoring station in the Ancient Grove report an increase in Fiend activity near the Grim Gates. Spiral HQ needs you to put a stop to their nefarious activities! Gather intel and Fiendish Glyphs from Fiends in the Clockworks. Explore the Ancient Grove and collect Ancient Shell materials. Craft Tortodrone shields and handguns at the mysterious alchemy machine! | |
-000148148 | 2015.09 18 March 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Celestial Balance!"[show]
Pause with the Strangers to enjoy the harmony in the celestial sphere at this equinox. To recognize this cosmic event, Spiral HQ has equipment and accessories for the Knights of the Spiral Order. Bring balance to your knight with new celestial accessories! The Haven Treasury is offering the Equinox Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000149149 | 2015.10 25 March 2015
Gameplay- Event Promotion |
Caketastrophe Admin Page ![]() |
"Happy 4th Anniversary Spiral Knights!"[show]
Join Spiral HQ and the Strangers as they celebrate the 4th anniversary of Spiral Knights! Help Biscotti, the Skylark's Head Chef, avoid caketastrophe in two special missions. Fight Creep Cakes and Batterbots to earn Cake Slice tokens. Visit Maskwell in Haven Town Square to exchange tokens for cake helms, Anniversary Prize Boxes and other party-themed accessories. Spiral HQ has assembled prize boxes from the past year together into a Surprise Box. When you open a Surprise Box you will randomly receive a past prize box and confetti. There is also a chance to find a Stately Cap costume helm. The Haven Treasury is offering the Surprise Box 2015 for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. The Birdsong Trading Company is having 3 days of giveaways for the Spiral Knights Anniversary celebration! Be logged into the game for the chance to win party hats, confetti and other special prizes. See the announcement post for the complete schedule of events and all the details! | |
-000150150 | 2015.12 8 April 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"A Frenzied Power!"[show]
Harness the frenzy of a raging storm with new costume items and accessories! Frenzy Prize Boxes contain Frenzy helms and armors, crests, wings and a new accessory, the Sealed Pauldrons. Summon the frenzy of the storm with the Frenzy Caller usable. Frenzy Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000151151 | 2015.13 22 April 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: FLABBERGAST"[show]
Spiral HQ's continuing research into surviving the Clockworks has produced a stunning new set of helms, armors and accessories. These costume helms, armors and accessories are sure to confuse, and perhaps daze, any enemies you may encounter. With the right combination of accessories and weapons, you'll be sure to leave your enemies seeing stars! Dazed Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000152152 | 2015.14 6 May 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Plunge into Summer!"[show]
After a long delve into the Clockworks, it's time to put up your feet and relax in your favorite quiet spot of Haven. Start your summer with new colors of splash costume armor from Plunge Prize Boxes. These boxes will also have returning seasonally reskinned weapons and the soaked aura accessory. Have some fun around the Haven Fountain with a Bucket of Bloons. Plunge Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for all the details! | |
-000153153 | 2015.15 8 May 2015
Sale - Auction House | Featured Auction House | "Auction House Sale!"[show]
Keep an eye on the Auction House through May 11, as lots of interesting goodies will be appearing. Hunt for bargains, or bid on a rare shiny that has always caught your eye! Stock will change periodically, so check back often to see what's on the auction block! | |
-000154154 | 2015.16 13 May 2015
Gameplay - Mission | Rank Missions | "The Flickering Flame"[show]
Spiral HQ is monitoring strange energy readings from deep within the Clockworks. Kora reports this energy may be related to the Artifact. Vanguard knights report to Kora for mission details and delve deeper into the mysteries of Cradle! | |
-000155155 | 2015.17 20 May 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Ratchet Up Your Gear!"[show]
The innovative minds at Spiral HQ have created gear and accessories to help knights adapt to the harshest environments, and to mimic the monsters of Cradle. Now, Spiral HQ is inspired by the very structure of Cradle, the Clockworks. Extraordinary Prize Boxes contain mechanical accessories including the new Splendid Topper and Clockwork Crest! These accessories are sure to revitalize your vigor and bring the pep back into your stride! Extraordinary Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for all the details! | |
-000156156 | 2015.180 3 June 2015
Gameplay - Event | Kataclysmic Confrontation | "Kataclysmic Confrontation!"[show]
Someone or something is again summoning hordes of cursed Black Kats into the Clockworks. These shadowy beasts hunger for arcane power and immediately raided the Moorcroft Manor Archives' precious collection of magical grimoires. These ancient tomes contain dark rituals that could be catastrophic in the wrong hands! Collect Ancient Page tokens through the daily Prestige Mission, or as drops from black kat monsters in the Clockworks. Return the pages to Montague in Moorcroft Manor in exchange for Kat Tribe Fetish crafting materials. Visit the Mysterious Alchemy Machine to craft kat-themed gear! | |
-000157157 | 2015.180 3 June 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: DOOM"[show]
The curse status is greatly feared by many creatures on Cradle. It leaves the victim impaired and unable to attack at full force without crippling results. Spiral HQ researched the effects of this status and has created costume helms, armors and accessories that are sure to give your enemies pause in the Clockworks. Wicked Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000158158 | 2015.19 17 June 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Celebrate the Solstice!"[show]
Accessorize your knight with winter and summer! Solstice Prize Boxes include Summer and Winter Accessories and Confetti, UV Tickets, and a bonus chance to receive a Bucket of Bloons. Haven Treasury is offering a Solstice Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000159159 | 2015.20 24 June 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Sprite Synergy!"[show]
Battle Sprites are trusted companions for knights exploring the Clockworks. Originally reconnaissance field robots used, they mutated after exposure to the Core's energy. Spiral HQ has discovered several new variants of Battle Sprites, including a Snarblepup Maskeraith, and assembled them into Spritely Prize Boxes. The box also includes new colors of accessories so knights can truly look like their sprites. Haven Treasury is offering a Spritely Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000160160 | 2015.21 8 July 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Rubies are Red!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the fiery gemstone, ruby. The ruby is a symbol of royalty and is considered good luck by many. Make your gear more precious with these polished costumes and accessories! Ruby Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000161161 | 2015.22 22 July 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: SIZZLE"[show]
Through vigorous research and countless hours of testing, Spiral HQ has provided a large array of weapons and gear to help knights triumph over the dangers of the Clockworks. Now, researchers have perfected a set of gear that will have you glowing. These new costume helms, armors and accessories are hot! With the right weapon in your hand, you can leave an inferno of devastation in your wake! Blazing Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000162162 | 2015.23 5 August 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Green with Envy!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the olive gemstone, peridot. The rare gem is a symbol of prosperity and happiness. Make your enemies envy your polished costumes and accessories! Peridot Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000163163 | 2015.24 12 August 2015
Gameplay- Event Promotion |
Shroud of the Apocrea Admin Page ![]() |
"The Harvester Returns!"[show]
The mysterious Apocrean Harvester returns to Cradle to trap and harvest souls! Band together with other knights to free these trapped souls. Be careful! The mysterious Harvester will pursue any who enter the Grasping Plateau to add to the collection. Collect Apocrean Sigil tokens and visit the Obelisk of Creation to craft Obsidian weapons and the Grasping Aura. Visit the Supply Depot to equip your knight in sinister helms and armors crafted from Obsidian. Obsidian Prize Boxes contain items from the perplexing realm of the Apocrea. | |
-000164164 | 2015.25 19 August 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: ZZZZZ"[show]
Spiral HQ is concerned about recent reports of knights sleepwalking in the Clockworks. Many of these knights report vivid dreams about exploring and adventures. These sweet dreams can quickly become a nightmare if the knight is not properly equipped! Spiral HQ has produced a line of helms, armors and accessories to keep you cozy and secure if you find yourself slumbering in the Clockworks. Use your feather pillow to confound your enemies, and let your teddy bear keep your safe. Slumber Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000165165 | 2015.26 2 September 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Clockworks Blues!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the blue gemstone, sapphire. The precious gem is a symbol of loyalty. Make your enemies sing the blues while you defeat them wearing new gleaming costumes and accessories! Sapphire Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000166166 | 2015.27 16 September 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"A Cosmic Event!"[show]
Observe with the Strangers the balance in the cosmos this equinox. To revere this celestial event, Spiral HQ has new gear and accessories for the Knights of the Spiral Order. Bring balance to your knight with a new Celestial Vortex, and Celestial Dragon and Valkyrie Wings! The Haven Treasury is offering the Equinox Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000167167 | 2015.28 23 September 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Warm & Cozy!"[show]
Preparations are underway for the Dark Harvest Festival, and before you know it, Gobble Snipes will be gathering in Haven. Spiral HQ is celebrating autumn with new gear, costumes and accessories! Stay warm and stylish with Wooly Pullover armor. This trendy sweater is perfect for cooler weather as winter approaches, and will keep you safe in the Clockworks! The Punkin Cinnamug does double duty as a savory seasonal drink, and a scalding weapon! Equip your knight for fall with new Autumn accessories and costumes. Autumn Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000168168 | 2015.29 7 October 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Opulent Opals!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the colorful gemstone, opal. This precious gem combines characteristics of other gemstone with colors that appear in unique and dazzling combinations. The fantastic color play of opals reflects the ever changing levels of the Clockworks. Opal Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000169169 | 2015.30 21 October 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Mustache Mayhem!"[show]
The Strangers have a knack for disguise. The Punkin King is master of pranks. In this playful season, let yourself be inspired by the tall merchants and the monster gourd, and plan some mayhem of your own! The Disguise Prize Box includes everything to hide a knight's identity while engaged in seasonal antics. There are Stranger hats, with and without Snipes, and disguise kits to accessorize your gear. Beards and mustache accessories make it impossible for other knights to identify the perpetrator of any hijinx. Every box includes a monster disguise and a bonus chance for eye, height and personal color modifiers!Disguise Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000170170 | 2015.31 23 October 2015
Gameplay- Event |
Dark Harvest Festival | "Dark Harvest Festival!"[show]
Join the Strangers in the annual celebration of the Dark Harvest Festival. Pay tribute to the playful Punkin King and ensure an abundant fall harvest for Cradle! Meet the Punkin King in the daily prestige mission or adventure in Clockwork Tunnels levels of the Clockworks for a chance to find this mischievous being. Trick or Treat, collect candy tokens and exchange them in Haven Town Square for festive masks and Harvest Prize Boxes. Be sure to visit the Mysterious Alchemy Machine to create your own Punkin Maskeraith Battle Sprite. The spookiest season has returned to Cradle! | |
-000171171 | 2015.32 4 November 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Sunny Citrine!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the golden gemstone, citrine. This gemstone is said to promote health and positive energy. Bring a bit of vitality and sunshine to your next Clockworks adventure! Citrine Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000172172 | 2015.34 18 November 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Hello, Stranger!"[show]
The Strangers appear everywhere on Cradle, and are very happy to supply knights with items in exchanges for shinies. The mysterious merchants attract flocks of snipes in Haven, and often have them perched on their hats and clothing. The Strangers are offering to the Knights of the Spiral Order, Stranger Robes, Stranger Caps, Snipe Perch accessories and a snipe aura! Now knights can be Strangers in this strange land. Equip your knight with these costume items and accessories and become the Stranger. Stranger Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000173173 | 2015.35 25 November 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Gaggles of Gobbling Snipes!"[show]
Gaggles of gobbling snipes return to Haven on their seasonal trek across Cradle! Visit the Supply Depot and purchase Gobble Snipe Boxes to create a flock of Gobble Snipes in your guild hall. Gobble Snipes are available in autumn colors brown, black and gold. The box also includes a chance for the Gift of Autumn trinket! The Auction House will also have the new Punkin Pie Pan usable for sale. These items are available through December 1st! | |
-000174174 | 2015.36 2 December 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Tranquil Turquoise!"[show]
Spiral HQ has created new costume gear and accessories featuring the blue-green gemstone, turquoise. This gemstone is said to be a protective talisman for friendship and home. Strengthen and protect your guild and party as you journey through Cradle! Turquoise Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000175175 | 2015.370 16 December 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"The Season of Fire and Ice!"[show]
The Solstice returns to Cradle! Celebrate with items of summer and winter. Solstice Prize Boxes include summer and winter accessories, confetti, UV tickets and buckets of snowballs! Haven Treasury is offering Solstice Prize Boxes for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000176176 | 2015.370 16 December 2015
Gameplay - Event | Winterfest | "Happy Winterfest!"[show]
Happy Winterfest! All the creatures of Cradle are celebrating the season with snow, festive songs, and hats. Impostoclaus arrives to bring delight and glee to all. Visit his helper, Randolph, near the fountain in Haven to exchange tokens for festive helms, winter confetti, and snowballs. Some Gremlins say "Humbug!" and plan to stop Impostoclaus and destroy Winterfest! Stop the Grinchlins from destroying Winterfest with two daily prestige missions. Save Winterfest! Help Impostoclaus deliver presents to the children of Emberlight. Feed him milk and cookies to keep him strong. Protect him from Grinchlins and collect Winter Wish tokens. Grinchlin Assault! Raid the Grinchlin stronghold on Mount Krampus to stop them from ruining Winterfest! Make your way through the compound, all the way to the summit to find special 4* Solstice Ring trinkets. Combine them together to make the 5* Grand Solstice Ring trinket! Delve into the Clockworks, for Winterfest danger rooms! Collect Frozen Winterfest Wishlist tokens and exchange them with Randolph in Haven. He has a new Winterfest Present that contains tasteful new holiday pullovers and cheery onesies. Visit the Supply Depot for Decoration Kits for your guild hall and gift boxes to wrap your gifts and attach a note! Take a moment at the Mysterious Alchemy Machine. There's a handgun that's minty fresh! | |
-000177177 | 2015.38 23 December 2015
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Warm and Cozy!"[show]
Every knight needs some down time in the guild hall. The selection of comfy wear for knights was very limited, so Spiral HQ has created the Cozy Prize Box. In this box knights will find everything they need to enjoy the night off. Wear wolver slippers, onesies, and pullovers while you relax and unwind. Each box has a chance to contain a pile of pillows! Cozy Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000178178 | 2015.39 28 December 2015
Giveaway | Birdsong Trading Company | "Birdsong Trading Co. Giveaway!"[show]
The Strangers are celebrating the end of the year with gifts for the Knights of the Spiral Order. The Birdsong Trading Co. will be hosting a giveaway to all players through the end of January 3, 2016. All players logged in to the game will be eligible for hourly prize giveaways! Prizes include Party Hats, Blowouts, Eyes, Confetti, Fireworks, Sparks of Life, Shadow Keys and more! Remember, the only way to be in the running is to be logged in and playing the game! Good luck and Happy New Year! |