Talk:Environment (Guild Hall)

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Divided this page from the previous Themes and Environments page. This helps clarify what is a theme, and what is an environment. It also helps unify various environment-related visuals. -Novaster 23:25, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

Added a disambig page to the wiki for "Theme." -Novaster 23:25, 2 August 2014 (UTC)


Be sure to get "empty" visuals - no placed furniture, no installed themes, environments, and so on. Pure "default." This is because a user might assume that a room looks a certain way by default (like some rooms come with their own decorations), and install something according to a faulty plan, and then get confused, and we don't want unhappy users! (Yes, this sort of thing has happened a few times). -Novaster 23:25, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

Would really love to use APNG (animations) for the environments. Anyone feel up to it? I'll eventually do them if they're not done...eventually...blahblah. -Novaster 23:25, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

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