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Puts a template that closely mimics the appearance of a <gallery> on a page. It should force consistent file naming and provides users with a faster loading time and the ability to easily access animations of items they might wish to see in detail.

It should be used on individual costume and accessory pages - hence "aesthetic." Other gallery mimic templates used for other items can be found here.


The simplest form of the template takes advantage of many defaults:

|news          =
|news link     =



None, though many defaults will not make sense when used in junction. Most items have one or more unique conditions that should be considered.


  • name
defaults to PAGENAME
Use sparingly, usually only if there are disambiguation issues

News Panel

  • news

Enter the filename of the news image, minus the filetype at the end (forces png - try to upload actual pngs whenever possible). Please use the "big" version (like File:SpiralKnights News 103-big.png vs File:SpiralKnights News 103.png) whenever possible. Watch the hyphen and capital letters. "big" news images should be full versions of visuals used on the news page.

no news link
Use if there is no news link
use if there are many different items with different release dates, like with recolors
  • news image
defaults through news parameter but can be adjusted for wording with:
no news image
Use if there is no news link
if more than one variation of the item has been released over time. There are a few specific "variable" options:
recolor (if the item has been recolored)
rose regalia
  • news link
defaults to a uniform phrase. Same conditions as news.
enter the full address of the location of the news - usually an admin forum post, like so: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/107935

Panel 2,3,4 Visuals

Use these only if:
- images have already been uploaded to decent filenames
- the items seem to be extra special
- the items have an unusual naming convention that doesn't work with PAGENAME
- if there are disambiguation issues (another PAGENAME issue)

Pick an item that you feel best represents the type of item. It would be best if that item's coloration were different from the others in the gallery per image.

Image filetype is .png

An example of usage can be found here.

  • panel 2 image
Defaults through name to PAGENAME
Use the full name of the item as seen in-game that you wish to specify
Panel 2 images for this gallery are tooltip animations
  • panel 3 image
Defaults through name to PAGENAME
Use the full name of the item as seen in-game that you wish to specify
panel 3 images for this gallery are preview images for accessories and costumes, unless costumes are in a set, then the image is of the item in its set. See below for details.
  • panel 4 image
Defaults through name to PAGENAME
Use the full name of the item as seen in-game that you wish to specify
panel 4 images for this gallery are overworld animations

Panel 3: Sets

This only pertains to several costume items. If the item is in a set, sharing a similar name and coloration to either a helmet or armor costume, then simply add "set" to the code like so:

|news      = blah
|news link = blah
|set       = FILENAME

This will take care of the panel 3 image field with ease. Make sure to name the file properly. Pick a set you feel is a good representative of the rest of the sets if the costumes have several recolored sets. Not all costumes do - the Plasmatech items are unique, while the Warden items have several colors.

this is always a .png, so don't include ".png" (or "File:" in the filename - just use the file's name.


|news          = variable
|panel 2 image = Anti-Hazard Spikes
|panel 3 image = Anti-Personnel Spikes
|panel 4 image = Anti-Hazard Spikes

This gallery contains several different examples of the same type of item.

More than one version of this item has been released. Many have their own related news art. Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image
Another tooltip view.
(Animation - click to see)
An inspect window view. An overworld view.
(Animation - click to see)

If used on the relevant page (notice the editor has chosen to not upload the same file twice for both helmet and suit, and chooses to use "suit" file for both overworld pics - not usually something you should do but it is possibly desired if uniform changes occur to a set):

|news             = SpiralKnights News 142-big
|news link        = http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/107935
|set              = Voltaic Radical
|panel 4 image    = Voltaic Radical Suit

This gallery contains several different examples of the same type of item.

Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image
Related news art. Another tooltip view.
(Animation - click to see)
A view of this item in its set. An overworld view.
(Animation - click to see)


This template uses many switches and will likely explode if you try to touch it. Be especially careful when uploading new images. If you know an image you want to use exists already, do not upload that image to another name - tweak your data entries until the image shows up, take a good look at the code, or ask for help on the Wiki Editors' Forums if it refuses to work.

There are several animation and caption options in the template code in case we ever need to tweak certain things regarding APNGs - they are used very sparingly, if at all.

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