Hello, I'm a computer gamer. That means I play games. Like Spiral Knights, Garry's Mod, Day of Defeat and Team Fortress 2. This account is just for the wiki, I use my Steam account for playing (I merged the accounts), and the name of my only knight is Ujshgfdjdsakfhydsj. Yes, I didn't know what to choose at the time I made my knight. And no, I won't give you things for free.
More about me:
Gender: Male.
Time of birth: Secret.
Homeland: Denmark, which you might be able to see to the right.
My first tier 2 expedition
I had just defeated the Snarbolax for the first time, after I got my 2 star equipment (wolver set, owlite shield, wrench wand and autogun). I was in Power Complex: Haunted Passage (if I am right), and I was attacked by
statikats. I wasn't a shield master back then and died easily. I used all my energy. And I did not even survive. I had to go to Haven again. Sad times.
My first time at the core
After gaining my T3 access and getting stuck at Hall of Heroes at rank 8-2, I decided to be a gold survivor. I had forgotten everything about the core, yes. After having gone through a concrete jungle, I arrived at the core. I was proud. I spoke to Vaelyn, and then I stood on the elevator facing towards the core. I was proud. I was very proud. Having done so much, beating the Snarbolax lots of times, beating the Royal Jelly lots of times, beating the Roarmulus Twins a few times and been at the elevator to Lord Vanaduke. Then I finally reached depth 29. I got the gold survivor achievement like supossed and hardcore.
When I learned to block properly
I was in the mission Blades of the Fallen. I faced a trojan, possibly for the first time. I couldn't kill it. No matter how much I tried. But then I thought the shield might be useful. When I blocked the shockwaves, I could with ease kill it! In fact, just about any enemy I would face! Since then I always used my shield. No unequip, except for lockdown and for fun.
I was going through a snarbolax gate during the friday where the elevator fees was gone. While at tier 1, several people joined, including a tier 2 knight named Rolnak, which was with me during the most of the run. I eventually invited Rolnak into tier 3 when reaching Emberlight, and we continued on. A friend named Doofta also joined me at a T3 graveyard. It only became harder due to the overflow of phantoms. And after some time, we finally arrived at the core. Having come this far, beating fiends, undead, gremlins, constructs, beasts and slimes into the ground... In a single run. I was happy. I gained the Cradle and all achievement... PLUS dauntless delver! Not a single death! Oh, and also that silver survivor achievement. Some people might find weird that I had the bronze and gold survivor achievements, but not silver survivor. Enough about that. I gained over 15,000 crowns on that run. That wasn't few, and I was proud.