User talk:Edge 97

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Hey, thanks a lot for helping out. But for icons, they absolutely have to be full size. For those equipment uploads, just use them straight from the game files. Please carefully read the forum thread entirely.--Novaster 02:34, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

Notice the difference between the two uploads: File:Equipment-Sentenza_icon.png. The appropriate size is 128×128. --Novaster 16:17, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

You can find these files on your computer. They are in Spiral Knights -- rsrc -- ui -- icon. You can usually do a file search for quick results. --Novaster 16:20, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

I have fixed all the uploads you did earlier. Please follow these instructions in the future. We definitely need help, but doing things this way makes more work for everyone and wastes time, especially your time. :( --Novaster 16:35, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

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