De SpiralKnights-es
(Redirigido desde «Efecto de estatus»)
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El Estado son condiciones que afectan el comportamiento de los jugadores y de los enemigos. Tienen un amplio rango de efectos, como infligir daño con el tiempo o dañar al personaje cuando ataca.
[ocultar]Pros/Contra de las Condiciones de Estado
Artículo principal: Maldición
- + Causes a fair amount of damage any time a monster attempts to use any ability, attack OR healing
- + allows you to inflict mild damage when shielded
- - doesn't make it easier to dodge/block attacks
- - only extremely useful against monsters who don't pause/wait after attacking once.
- situation: healers that are protected by mobs or anything else, e.g. Danger Rooms, Arenas and Royal Jelly.
Artículo principal: Fuego
- + inflicts strong damage over time without you needing to attack
- + allows you to run away from a monster instead of shielding attacks
- - like curse, it doesn't make it easier to dodge/block attack
- - becomes a lot less useful in situations with two or more healers
- - Immediately extinguished by any freeze effect
- - ignites Oilers
- situation: damaging large mobs and monsters that are hard to deal with at close range, e.g. deconstruction zones and gun puppies. Also great for melting Ice Jellies.
Artículo principal: Congelar
- + immobilizes monsters, preventing them from moving or turning and making them vulnerable to attacks from the side or rear
- + Gives the player time to recover or charge up attacks
- + if the status is allowed to wear out without the monster being attacked, the monster will take significant damage
- - Does not hinder enemy's ability to attack in the direction they're facing
- - Status will be interrupted by any source of damage, from knights or enemies, in which case monster will not take any extra damage from the freeze itself
- - Frozen monsters can obstruct a Knight's escape route
Artículo principal: Veneno
- + Causes damage to monsters whom are being healed, becoming a lethal status when used near Tier 3 Menders and Silkwings.
- + Decreases monster's offensive abilities considerably, making a fight much safer. Shields will also last longer against poisoned monsters
- + Lowers monster's defense slightly, indirectly buffing teammate's offensive power
- - Doesn't make attacks easier to dodge or escape.
- - Doesn't directly deal extra damage; you still have to attack normally for poison to make a difference to the fight
- Situation: Where teammates are effectively dealing constant damage to enemies, and are in a position where dodging attacks is difficult. Also anywhere near healers.
Artículo principal: Descarga
- + Interrupts attacks and movement
- + Shock spasms deal damage to the monster inflicted with the status, as well as other monsters within a one block radius
- + Due to Shock's elemental damage, deals additional damage to Elemental weak enemies such as Undeads and Constructs.
- - Against a single foe the DoT from shock is weak
- - Supercharges Quicksilvers
- - Deals minimal damage to monsters resistant to Elemental damage such as Beasts and Gremlins
- Situation: Multiple non-beast/gremlin monsters packed closely together, especially effective in arenas and triggered spawn clumps
Artículo principal: Sueño
- + completely pacifies and immobilizes enemies for a short amount of time
- - monsters are healed a significant amount while inflicted with sleep
- - Flinching the monster causes them to immediately wake up.
- - currently vials are the only method for players to inflict sleep
- situation: Disabling dangerous monsters temporarily so that other monsters can be handled first
Artículo principal: Aturdir
- + Severely reduces monsters' movement speed, increasing the effectiveness of knockback weapons, and removes the danger of slow ones
- + Severely reduces monsters' attack speed, resulting in monsters becoming far more predictable and less dangerous
- - Despite the slower attacks, stun does not reduce damage from attacks
- - Projectiles are not slowed, only the rate that they are fired
- - Incredibly short duration severely limits its use.
- - Does not reduce enemy's ability to turn
- situation: Against particularly fast or dangerous enemies, and where your teammates can take full advantage of monsters stunned by your attacks
Otros enlaces
- Artículo en inglés: Status_effect